today's date:
last updated: 17.09.03
welcome to chandler's field!
Like my Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Angel site collective s u n d o w n, this site came about when I realised one bright Spring day that I have a lot of Smallville sites in the works, and out there on the web. And I needed a place to put miscellaneous goodies like wallpapers, fun little JavaScript tests, and fan fiction. Feel free to sign the guestbook!
What's new around here...
Well, summer is drawing to a close, and I'm finally getting ready for the October 1 season premiere! Smallville Fan Fiction Resources fact checker has been completely updated up through the end of last season, so if you missed anything, now you can get all caught up! All sorts of new additions at both allison-mack <dot> com and girl friday--our girl has been busy this summer! Between her day job appearing as Chloe Sullivan, she's also currently pitching Kodak one-use disposible digital camers, maintaining a blog at TheWb.com, and just participated in the launch of the Canadian chapter of "Kids with a Cause." The summer Chloe/Clark e-zine is running a few weeks late this year, and will most likely be called Indian Summer as a result, so keep your eyes peeled. But if you're feeling a bit hostile toward Clark, in so far as Chloe is concerned, may I recommend checking out the fiction at the screw clark! chloefic challenge? And, despite being laid low by hackers this August, all the sites housed here at loony-archivist are back and better than ever! Be sure and check out all the fiction at Wild Coyote, and coming soon, updates at the reporters, chemistry, and Tall Tales!
Old news...
winter wonderland is the winter 2003 edition of the Chloe/Clark electronic fanzine (check out summer lovin' for the summer 2002 edition). Chock full of C/C fan fiction and fan art! Looking for mroe C/C? try wild cotoye: the sv het archive and the reporters.
Have you all been keeping up with the fantabuloso het fic being posted at Wild Coyote? No? Shame on you! Head over there right this second! Added a handful of new recs. Added two new wallpapers of the Kents. New Martha kent fic up at one red hot mama, new Chloe/Lex fiction and fan art up at chemistry, and there's all sorts of Allison news up at girl friday and allison-mack.com.
Added a slew of new wallpapers. Check out wild coyote: the sv het archive, a joint venture between Hope and myself. Also launched chemistry, a chloe/lex archive and sibling site to the reporters. Posted a new short story, Perpetual Slumber Party, and updated allison-mack.com with a clip of Allison and KK on week-end extra. I added a fan art gallery, and revamped the graphics at both girl friday and allison-mack.com. I've taken over One Red Hot Mama, the Martha Kent fan fiction archive, from Sarah T. and have been adding new storeis liek a psycho. So check it out! And I've updated Tall Tales with new stories as well.
Here is the rundown of what you can find here at chandler's field:
fan art
From goth!lana manips to Chlarky-goodness, and just a little Clex too!
And dear God in heaven, there are a lot of them...
fan fiction recommendations
Fan written Smallville short stories, novellas, and novels I've particularly enjoyed.
girl friday
My first Smallville site, and probably my favourite, is a tribute to the character of Chloe Sullivan, and Allison Mack, the actress who brings her to live on-screen each week. Some of the content of this site will be migrating to allison-mack.com once I get that site designed. But currently, you can find actor and character bios, fan fiction, galleries of images including publicity and production stills and screen captures from Smallville, wallpaper, and more.
smallville fan fiction resources
Like the Angel fan fiction resource site, this is aimed at being the ultimate resource for anyone writing Smallville fiction. It includes breakdowns of facts by character and location, a visual reference guide, transcripts, the Smallville Mary Sue Litmus Test, a fanfic FAQ, and more.
the reporters
I've never actually done a 'ship site, but I have to admit, I'm hooked on Chloe/Clark. Chock full of fan fiction, wallpaper, manips, songs, and home of a thriving mailing list owned by Shar and co-moderated by me.
A tribute to Allison Mack, chock full of goodies like exclusive interviews, images from Smallville, My Horrible Year!, Opposite Sex, and The Nightmare Room, wallpapers, galleries of stills and candids, bio, and more!
ljc's smallville fan fiction
Just some of the fic I've written thus far...
tall tales
A Smallville fan fiction archive of fiction Rated G through Rated R.
one red hot mama
A Smallville fan fiction archive of fiction featuring Martha Kent.
A Smallville fan fiction archive of fiction featuring Chloe and Lex.
wild coyote
It's Het-Mart! Every pairing, every rating! And check it out, it's automated! Co-run with the amazing Hope (aka rosenho), if individual ship sites are boutiques, then this is the department store of your dreams. Have fic to post? Want fic to read? There's something for everyone at this little bar across the county line...
summer lovin': a chloe/clark fanzine
The summer 2002 Chlark e-zine
winter wonderland: a chloe/clark fanzine
The winter 2003 Chlark e-zine