A Good Bottle Of Irish Whiskey
The song "When I Die", by Lush
My website
The song "Hero", by Mariah Carey
The song "Turn Back Time"
One of Doyle's wide-collared shirts
The winning horse at 35:1 odds, a bottle of the good stuff & a hearty thump on the back from the
Powers That Be
All of my Irish jewelry, the song "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" by BSB, and "Crash and Burn" from Savage Garden
The song "Even Angels Fall" by Jessica Riddle
The song "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan
The song "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan
A bottle of the finest, smoothest whiskey and my undying
admiration for his courage, valiance, and selflessness
"Where You Are" by Jessica Simpson w/ Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees
My fic series "Farewell Letters", written for my favorite Irishman
A cool beer and a tear of mine
Everything good I accomplish in my life because of Doyle's
My red hair and freckles, and my Irish
To the thought of Doyle
My heritage, my leather jacket, and an alcohol bar in his name
Dedicating Doyle as still part of a team at Angel
The song "Where You Are", whiskey, my claddagh ring, and Cordelia
My favorite fuzzy slippers to the man of fuzzy
Sting's song "It's Probably Me", my computer, my love of Ireland, and my
favorite Teddy Bear(Patrick)
A bottle of Asprin,
my love of the show Angel (which I don't have anymore now that he's gone) and my little sister
A box of Kleenex (for those nasty demon sneezes) and Doyle's Corner (a pub in my neighborhood)
A pint of Guiness, a pint of the best Irish whiskey, and my very special claddagh ring
My TV... it just won't be the same without him
Savage Garden's "You Can Still Be Free", and to the C/D 'ship - Sarah McLachlan's "The Path of Thorns" and "Tonight" from EFX
"Lucky" by Bif Naked and every fanfic that I've ever written
"Gone, but not lost" - performed and composed by me, a
bottle of malt-Whiskey from 1980, two 'Diamond Tears' and all my sad
"Do what you have to do" by Sarah Mclachlan, "You're still the one" by Shania Twain
"Forgiven Not Forgotten" by The Corrs
A rousing chorus of "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" because I
know somewhere Doyle's beautiful blue eyes are full of laughter
My heart, my soul, and all my tears
I would like to dedicate all of the love in my heart to
Doyle and this organization
"Some Things Never Change" by Tim McGray and my
tears for a true hero who was taken from us far too soon
My painting of Doyle and Cordy and the song "My Heart Will
Go On"
"Together Again" by Janet Jackson, "Witness" by Sarah
McLachlan, and my Claddagh ring
I would like to dedicate a song that I compossed on my
piano. Every time I play it, it reminds me of him
My poem, "You Were Different" ~,
written especially for Doyle
Sarah McLachlan's "Full of Grace" and the Doyle/Cordelia
section of my website
I dedicate my faith and pride in Doyle
The song "I love you" by Sarah McLachlan and Wesley's
glasses so he can beat and jump over them
My love of Irish accents to Doyle's
memory...while he's on vacation
My own copy of Angela's Ashes and the song "Standing at the
Edge of the Earth" by Blessed Union of Souls
'Nothing Compares To You' by Sinead O'Connor
The song "You were loved" by Wynona
My web page, which is still being made, my fanfic about Doyle, and the songs "I Will
Remember You" and "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely"
My saved bottle of fine Scott Malt in the hope he'll be
back, even though he'll always stay in my heart
The song "Seasons In The Sun"
The song "I Will Remember You"
The song "My Heart Will Go On"
A bottle o' whiskey and a new copy of Angela's Ashes
I wish to dedicate my personal search for inner peace to
A bottle of whiskey and a pub named after him
K's choice '20,000 seconds'
My life
I would like to dedicate my mind, body and spirit to the
cutest half demon on TV. Love ya loads Doyle, se ya soon.
The song "I Will Remember You" by Sarah
McLachlan, because he will always be in my heart!
My Irish heritage, all the alcohol I never drank, and his
picture page on my website.
All my favourite moments
from watching Doyle on 'Angel'.
Our love for our gorgeous Doyle!! Bring him back!
One tear that I shed as I realise ok it's a programme but
heroes do exist in the unlikeliest people.
My heart, my soul, they belong to him, always and forever.
Stevie Nicks' song "If You Ever Did Believe"
The 'demon' in all of us.
A version of Bif Naked's "Lucky" performed by Cordelia
I would like to dedicate everything I do to the memory of
my favourite character ever, Doyle!!!!
Umm... everything? Well almost... Doyle lives on!
His seeing eyes from the powers that be; "The good fight, yea"
A memory of great episodes of 'Angel' and his help in
protecting my beloved slayer Buffy.
My Claddagh Ring.
My Claddagh Ring.
I Will Remember You, by Sarah McLachlan
A mirror -- as a reminder of who he truly was and who he
will always be. A hero.
I would like to dedicate myself for I will never truly be
happy untill we see Doyle again.
My ring, my love of the Irish, the songs "Wind Beneath my
Wings", "I'll Never Break Your Heart", "Iris" and "God Must Have Spent...",
and my creativity in Doyle/Cordelia fanfiction due to his character.
I would like to dedicate a white rose for peace.
'Don't let the sun go down on me' by Rodger Daltry.
Candlelight itself - we hope you're having fun, Doyle.