What can I say about Doyle..? His charm and wit are what I
miss most. His accent is something to be heard at all hours of the day.
And those eyes and grin are melt-worthy. He's a true hero and though
what he did made him go away for the time being, I'm very proud of him.
I know he'll be back; he's just resting up right now. He lives on in
Your Princess does love you Doyle! Come back to her!
Doyle you were funny, loyal, full of wisdom but most of
all you were a true friend to those you love. You will never be
Doyle...the Irish guy who stole our hearts with one
dazzling blue-eyed smile. Though Joss has majorly gone off the edge
this time...he'll be back. =) I know it.
Doyle was a fine man and even though there were times
when he didn't think so he will be missed and everyone should look up
to him. I have shed many tears.
Yes we all have something to atone for, but it's clear
that you've atoned in a big way. We miss you and thank
you for what you did to protect all of us who are even
a little bit human.
To Eire's son, "May you be across Heaven's threshold an
hour before the Devil knows you're dead." Godspeed, Doyle. Come back
to us soon.
While Doyle was never one to enjoy a fight against the
many forces of darkness, he definitely came through in the end. And for
that, he will always remain a hero in my eyes. His memory will live on
in my heart. And if the "Powers That Be" are indeed as powerful as they
claim to be, the Irish half demon we have all come to love, should be
back in L.A. in no time, picking up where he left off. :)
We love you Doyle and await your return.
Doyle you are everything that a woman dreams of spikes
and all. You are handsome, bright, witty, wise, dependable, funny, but
above all else you are my hero.
Doyle was more than a sidekick to Angel, he was a
kindred spirit. He possessed loyalty, bravado, courage, and one heck
of a liver unsurpassed by any human, demon, or half-demon and will be
missed sorely until his return.
You know the saying "You never know what you have until
it's gone?" Well, that's probably what it was like for most of us. For
me, I thought Doyle was pretty cool. I felt bad for him about the whole
Cordy being a clueless-bitch thing, but other than that pffft. Then I
watched "Hero" and sobbed. Then, for two days after, just the thought
of it made my eyes water and my lower lip tremble. For Doyle to care so
much about Angel and Cordy was absolutely touching and even my male
friend who has NEVER cried in fourteen years cried over it. For me, he
will always be in my heart. And I know, deep within me, that he will
come home soon. And I'm waiting...
Doyle, you know I love you more than anything else in
the world, and that will never change. You are my hero and my love. I
will never give in to Joss's cruel ways and will keep you in my heart
always, with your adorable irish accent and everything else that I love
about you. You never died and you never will, at least in my heart. I
will continue to shed tears for you and keep you in my heart forever.
Doyle, you showed me what I can really be. Even though
you were here only breifly, you had a huge impact on me. You were so
much like me, it was scary. I wasn't half-demon and I didn't get
visions but thats about the only differences. So if you could be a
wonderful great person, that made me believe I could too. With your
brief presence you have changed my life Doyle. Thank you for showing me
what I could truly be. Please come back soon Doyle. You are greatly
Doyle, the half breed and oh so adorable, star of Angel,
was the greatest demon ever to grace the screen on my television. He
was the witty humor and the charm on "Angel", and he helped balance the
dark broodingness of Angel and the ditziness of Cordy. He will be
missed by me and many other fans around the world.
Here is a candle for the remembrance of Allen Francis
Doyle. May his heart continue through ours. I only wish one day, that I
may be as brave and heroic as he was. Rest in Peace.
To the man that will nver die. There are few heros in
this world, but Doyle is one of them. To know when to lose something
that you have just found, is something many people can't and won't do.
I aspire to be what Doyle is. A true romantic in every sense of the
word. Doyle will come back. If not on T.V., then with each story,
each thought, and each passing of a hero, I will hear that Irish prince
say "We'll be okay princess, We always are". To you Doyle.
I would like to say goodbye because I've known you've
Doyle, we love ya, baby! You're coming back! If you
don't Joss better run, he better fly, he better swim, or he better hop
like a bunny because I'm gonna kill him along with some very pissed off
fans! And even if you do come back, we'll still kill him for the fun of
it! I love you!
Doyle, may all the beers of light be drunk to your shiny
happy spirit! Cheers :)
Joss Whedon better lock himself in his office where no
one can get at him because all us TechnoPagans (as willow so aptly calls us) are gonna get Wiccan on his ass. Party Of Five was going to be canceled a while ago (not that I care) but people wrote the network and it's still on the air!! If they can do it for a whole show WE can
do it for one character right? RIGHT! WHAT DO WE WANT? DOYLE! WHEN DO
WE WANT HIM? NOW! We must rise up against the evils of Joss Whedon.
Remember we are the messengers this time and we are his only hope at
He has to come back! We need Doyle! The
Angel-and-Cordy hour isn't gonna be nearly as cool without him...BRING
BACK DOYLE! (think the WB heard that?)
Decent, dignified and dependable
Doyle, you were the reason that I watched Angel. You
were so sweet, and selfless, and wonderful... Cordy didn't deserve you, but you sure deserved her.
"Flying through the darkness, love,
flying through the darkness.
I'll be gone, but only for a short, oh, short time. And when the sun
rises, I'll hold you once again..."
Doyle! I loved you. You were smart, funny, sarcastic,
and sweet. You were the Sancho Panchez to Angel's Don Quijote (I know I
spelled that wrong) We just all have to remember that "no one is dead as
long as you keep them alive in your heart." One day you will come back
to us. I know it in my heart.
You just had to love Doyle. The way he dressed, his
ability to make you laugh when you wanted to cry, his low self-esteem.
Unfortunately Joss didn't love him like the rest of us did, but maybe
with a little help and a lot of screaming he'll learn and bring our
Irish sweetie back to us.
Although he was with us for a short time Doyle made a
big impression on Angel viewers.I watched it from the very beginning
and instantly fell for that irish demon/human.With that witty sense of
humor and that amazing smile, he certainly found a way into my heart.I
pray that he comes back to me because without him, Angel will never
ever be the same.
Doyle was a sweet, funny, Irish man. He was spun by
love, which wasn't given to him in return. If only he were still here
really soon...
Doyle was a wonderful guy who showed his true courage
when it mattered. He was a wonderful friend to all.
Allan Francis Doyle was a brave and noble messenger.
Though he is gone, he will always be alive in our memories.
Doyle, we hardly new ye. Come back.
No matter what Whedon and Greenwalt try to throw at us,
my admiration and love for the loveable Irish half-demon known to us as
Doyle will never waver. Come back to us soon Francis, we miss you.
~You Were Different~
From the first time I saw you
Your eyes held a kind of laughter
Every word from your lips
And when that fateful moment came
But you were always different
I will never forget that last look you gave me
Because you were different
Because you loved
~ By Skye ~
You atoned much earlier than you thought you had. May
you return with a parade and lots of confetti with your beautiful Irish
eyes shining and sparkling with joy. Joss has gone way off the end.
Long live the Irish.
I would just like to say that I have so much pride for
Doyle. His death had meaning. He died to save others. He wasn't
thinking of himself. 'The big picture' remember. I'll never forget him.
Doyle, he stays in out hearts and memories....at least till he comes back anyway
Doyle is probably the best new character in the
Buffy/Angel-verse. It was horrible to take him away from us so soon. I
have not yet met a person who didn't love him to death, and I have yet
to meet a person who likes Wesley a fraction as much. I pray that one
day, he'll follow Angel and fall out of the sky naked without
May the loveable little Irishman live on in our hearts
forever. He may be gone, but as long as ANGEL is still on the air, he
will not be forgotten. We love you, Doyle.
I love Doyle - he rocks my world.
I just want Doyle to come back. Despite his tragic life,
he was still good humoured abd looked up to things. I believe he will
come back. I will never watch an episode of 'Angel' without him there.
This song ("You were loved" by Wynona
Judd) explains how a lot of people feel about Doyle.
There is one point I'd like to add...You ARE Loved Doyle!
Doyle always cheered up the show with his funny remarks,
eyes, and smile. Joss tried to do that with Welsley, but it just won't
work. The show isn't the same without him.
I loved his wit and charm and give it a go
attitude, plus his anything to celebrate if it means going down the pub
thing. I shall miss his smile and his loving eyes -
'goodbye are all we know of heaven and all we need know of hell' - it's
something I heard the once and it sounds fitting.
Doyle, you were brave and selfless. Your soul will live
I miss Doyle's nice charm, his Irish accent, his beautiful
blue eyes. Also his heroic heart.
I love him, I miss him, I want him BACK.
It is a jorney of the mind, not body,
Always in our hearts, Doyle. Till we meet again, may the rose rise up
to meet ye, and may the sun warm ye's back.
He is a shining example of true heroism and can be a
candle to light our own paths.
What can I say? Doyle's the most awesome half-demon
ever - if you're still out there Doyle, please come home.
I think, like all of us, that denial is the bet way to
handle this. You see, Doyle was an Irish drunken gambler, he had that
little mischievious grin, and that sparkle in his eyes. He got away with
calling Cordelia 'Princess' and he had the cutest accent. Oh and he was
a half demon, with a demon face that consisted of blue/green spikes.
But you know what? Even that's a face I love. He was (is) caring, he had
bright spots, and he..he..*sniff*....excuse me *takes a handkerchief
and wipes her nose. Lowdly* He was just Doyle. Lovable, drunken, little
Irish man. I miss him.....Ok, is that it? Am I done? Remember...our
rats are low...*fully fledged sobbing and crying*
I will miss him forever
He will be missed greatly, he will always have a place
in my heart, a place for a true hero
I would like to pledge my candle to Alan Francis Doyle,
who physically died before our eyes to save others. I wish that he
would come back to spread that cheerful, Irish happiness like before. Let
the Powers That Be finally realise their flaw in not returning our Doyle
I love you Doyle. I keep you alive , if anyone sees
"Doyle Lives" you know I have been there!!!
I am one of those girls when told that Doyle is dead,
stick my fingers in my ears and screm "He is NOT!!". He will always be
alive to me, no matter what Joss says, or anybody else for that matter.
He was a short, drunk half-demon, and we loved him
dearly. Wherever he is now, I hope he hurries his very nice butt up and
gets back to us soon!
Doyle was a funny guy, he was the first
half-human, half-demon, Irish lad, plus I think he was more funny than
He's in heaven where he can rest, watch over Angel and
love Cordelia
He can't be gone, bring him back!
You never know your true strength until you're tested
The man may be gone but his legend lives on
A version of Bif Naked's "Lucky" performed by Cordelia
Chase. How many of us have our fingers crossed that she'll finally realize
she can never "love another when she miss(es) him every single day" and
"how could (she) ever get over (him) when (she'd) give her life for
The writers of 'Angel' made a big mistake by getting rid
Come back one day and pay us a visit old friend
Doyle, we love you and miss you. We wait for your
Doyle was so brave! He gave up his own life with the
people he loved to save them. He was a true hero if
I ever saw one.
Doyle, I loved you on the show and I really hope that
you come back some day.
Allen Francis Doyle --
Doyle is an everlasting hope in the eyes of millons.
Doyle? Dead??? YEAH, RIGHT!!!! *snort, snort, snort*
We loved you Doyle, for the short time we knew you...*cries*
Goodbye Doyle - should you return, we shall smile again, but still
we can enjoy the love you left behind that lights up Angel
Investigations. |