The Due South, First Series Drinking Game Mark I - March 16, 1995 by LJC and Perri This game was born over Spring break when the authors marathonned all of Due South to date. They were viewed consecutively over a 15 hour period, very late at night, in Los Angeles, CA. Oddly enough, no alcohol was involved (unless that bottle of Amaretto consumed afterwards counts...), and the authors are ashamed to admit they came up with mark I completely sober. Ben&Jerry's however was consumed in liberal amounts. Units of Measurement one Drink = one swallow or sip. Or, if you are feeling really daring, m&m's or Reeses peanut butter cups can be substituted for beverages, if you prefer to be able to walk the following morning. And now, in no apparent order... THE GAME: Someone actually pronounces Fraser correctly, rather than "Frasier" - one Drink Fraser says "Thank you kindly." - one drink Fraser says "Thank you kindly, Elaine." - two drinks Ray says "Thank you kindly, Elaine." - three drinks Ray calls Fraser "Benny" - one drinks Fraser gets hit on - one drink Fraser gets hit on by Elaine - two drinks Fraser gets hit on and responds - three drinks Fraser gets hit on and makes a coherent response - four drinks Fraser gets laid - chug. Ray gets hit on - one drink Ray gets hit on and it doesn't involve being hit by a moving motor vehicle - two drinks The Riv gets shot at - one drink The Riv gets shot at and loses one of the windows - two drinks The Riv gets shot at and explodes - chug, and remove your hat and have a moment of silence, punctuated by the occasional "Poor Ray..." Fraser quotes his father - one drink Fraser quotes his father and it goes something like "My father told me something every important once. Actually he told me two things. I've forgotten the first thing..." - two drinks Fraser reads from his father's journals - one drink Fraser reads from his father's journals and it actually relates to the case - two drinks Fraser reads from his father's journals, and is greeted by his father - three drinks, egg nog if you have it. Fraser makes some kind of reference to his gun, or lack thereof - one drink The colour of Canadian notes is referenced - one drink The current exchange rate is mentioned -two drinks Fraser is at the precinct for no immediately obvious reason - one drink We actually see Fraser "guarding" the consulate - one drink Ray attempts to converse with Fraser while Fraser is "guarding" consulate - two drinks Fraser answers - chug, and double check for church bells that say he's off shift for the night. Then have a bit of a lie down. Fraser gives Dief an order and Dief ignores him - one drink Fraser gives Dief an order and Dief obeys him - two drinks Fraser gives Dief an order while looking away and Dief obeys - three drinks Ray and Fraser get involved in a case due to food (pizza, grocery stores, Chinese) - one drink Ray gets a call on his cellular and it's a member of his immediate family - one drink Ray gets a call on his cell phone and it's someone looking for Fraser - two drinks Ray gets a call on his cell phone and it's Fraser - three drinks Ray gets a call on his cell phone and it's Miss Broccoli - chug. Fraser solves a case by sight - one drink Fraser solves a case by smell - two drinks Fraser solves a case by sound - three drinks Fraser solves a case by taste - four drinks Ray is completely grossed out by any of the above - one drink Fraser makes a promise he can't possibly keep - one drink Fraser wears the brown uniform - one drink Fraser wears his dress uniform for no immediately apparent reason - two drinks Fraser wears his dress uniform for an immediately apparent reason - three drinks Fraser wears jeans and a sweater - chug. Ladies, you'll need it. He's married. Guys.. well, I'm not excluding you here either... An article of Ray's clothing is ruined during the course of an investigation - one drink An article of Fraser's clothing is destroyed during the course of an investigation - two drinks. Said article of clothing is a hat - three drinks. We see something in Fraser's refrigerator besides corsages and maple syrup - three drinks A member of Ray's family appears in person - one drink. A current case involves a person in Fraser's neighbourhood - one drink Fraser chooses to exit through a window - one drink Fraser is forced to exit through a window - two drinks Fraser actually uses a door - three drinks Someone actually calls Gardino "Lewis" - one drink Fraser guilt trips Ray - one drink A kid tricks Ray - two drinks Fraser tricks Ray - three drinks Fraser tricks Ray, and Elaine is impressed - chug Dief tricks anyone - two drinks The guest star has starred in something else with Paul Gross - one drink The guest star was a regular on another Alliance series - one drink The guest was a regular on one specific Alliance series, Counterstrike - two drinks The guest star killed Julie Beamer on Forever Knight - three drinks, chug if you actually know Julie. The is a car chase, and you hear Sarah MacLachlan in the background - one drink Dief chases a car - one drink There is a car chase and Fraser is on foot - two drinks There is a car chase and Fraser is on a car - three drinks There is a car chase and Fraser is on skates - everybody breaks into "Hockey Night In Canada" Fraser makes the Puffin face - three drinks Fraser endangers Ray's life - one drink Fraser and Ray sleep in the Riv - one drink Ray shoots a lock - one drink Inuit story - one drink Fraser says "Oh dear." - one drink Fraser says "Oh my." - two drinks Fraser swears - three drinks Fraser loses his temper - chug Ray gets the "bunny in the path of the semi" look - one drink It's -20 degrees out and no one's breath fogs - one drink Fraser races across rooftops rather than using the sidewalk - one drink Fraser hurdles fences rather than using the sidewalk - two drinks Ray attempts to hurdle fences - three drinks The is a fist fight involving upwards of four people in a generic industrial site in act four - two drinks Fraser lets someone go ahead of him through a door - one drink Fraser holds a door for someone - two drinks Fraser gets tipped - three drinks Fraser gets Ray to hold a door for someone - four drinks A crack is made about Canadians aspiring to be doormen - one drink A character (other than Diefenbaker) is named after a prime minister - one drink Fraser carries on a conversation with Dief - one drink Fraser carries on a conversation with someone who is dead - two drinks Ray carries on a conversation with someone who is dead - three drinks During a car chase, you notice the rails set into the street - one drink They show the Riv going North down Michigan Ave. past Water Tower for no apparent reason - one drink Ray empties a clip - one drink Ray then pulls out another gun and keeps on shooting - two drinks Ray then produces a hand grenade - three drinks Okay, additions and corrections? LJC -- * "Officer in pursuit of black cadilac in pursuit Lady Johanna Constantine * of two guys on ice skates. Why is that so hard Mom or just plain Tara * believe?" Ray Vecchio, "The Blue Line"