Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Inspired by "Joker" by Steve Miller.
Thanks to Mary for Beta Reading.
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Bed-Time Story
by Becky Thomson
There was once a man. A great man. He lived right here in Chicago. My mother used to tell me bedtime stories, and the one I always used to ask for again and again was the story of how the mysterious stranger had saved her life, and mine.
This man was like no-one she had ever seen before in her life, and she never saw him again. He saved both of us from certain death when I was a baby, pulling us from our apartment as it was burning, and putting out the fire. Mother asked him how he knew about the fire. The man merely said he; "was in the right place at the right time." and disappeared as quickly as he came.
This man had been seen by many other people all over the city. I know, I've done my research. Some people think he's an angel. I'm not sure about whether he is an actual angel, but he has all the qualities of one, I must agree. Some people think this man is a myth. A legend, like the Loch Ness monster, only more attractive. But I can't see how this could be true. I mean, a myth couldn't have saved my mother and I!
Some believe he's just an ordinary man. I can't see that being true either. No ordinary man could do all the things that I've heard that this person does. He's more like some super-hero out of a comic book. A psychic? A mind reader? Tuned into the feelings of others - sensing their danger perhaps?
Whoever this man is; angel, urban myth, super-hero, I know one thing. He's a hero. He's not been seen for years now. Well he wouldn't be would he? He rescued me many years ago, so he'd be an old man now, if he was still alive. But he is a hero, my hero. And I thank the man, the legend. He saved me, and gave me a chance to lead my life. And I will listen to his story a hundred more times. I know I will never tire of it.
Email the author: phoebe_or_becks@hotmail.com