-Okay, okay Sir, but...
-IT IS "BARON"," baron de Larive" ,and you GET OUT of here, you villain
-But Sir, er, baron, I am no thief...I just...
The seventy eight years old gentleman took his violin with two hands, menacing
-You just wanted my priceless "Blue Flamingo" painting, given to me by
the late great Henri de Treville, fifty years ago, and you just don't know
we the Larives are, you young delinquent, so GET OUT or say your last words!
-Uh, may I say my last words before getting out Mr. Baron?
-You little coward you...
Gary glanced at his watch. Too late.. it was getting too late...he had
to do something...now!
-Nooo! You will not have it... Nooo!
The baron was a splendid gentleman, very fit, and still very fast.
He threw himself on Gary who was running to the other end of the great hall,
painting between his hands. The two of them collapsed on the middle of
the hall, when a deafening GROOMPH sound was heard ...and a part of the
roof fell down...the very part the two of them were under, just one minute
before... Gary stared wide-eyed at the roof's debris. He had thought he
had more time...that was so very close...
-Louise, cherie, what were you doing?
Gary looked up. On the top of the roof's debris sat an elderly coughing
lady...with an open perhaps yellow umbrella.
She turned her head and smiled to the baron, the way a little charming
mischievous child caught on the middle of the act may smile to melt
her mom's anger.
-I was experimenting my new device that can...that was supposed to
give out a controlled flow of energy in order to open this umbrella
from a 6 meters
distance, but it seems to have, well, sort of ...
-LOUISE! Cherie! You stood there in front of this ...this WEAPON of yours
,with your grand mother's umbrella...and...
-Well, Charles, you didn't give me your umbrella, and I must have one and...
-This is not what I am talking about, Louise ,you know it and you have
promised me not to do ANY life-threatening experiment and ...
-But Charles, it was supposed to be totally harmless...
The lady had an enchanting smile. Gary found himself smiling fondly at
her...along with the baron, whose smile had also a lot of worried ness.
The whole conversation was happening with the three of them sat where they
were after the roof's collapse. That is to say that the lady was still on
the top of the debris and Gary and the baron were entangled in the middle
of the room, eight meters far from the lady. The lady was the first
who began to stand ,the open umbrella in her right hand...and then suddenly
she looked at the baron with the uttermost horrified expression.
-Oh my God! Charles !
The baron was there close by her within something that seemed to be a hundredth
of a second to Gary.
-What? What? What is it? Louise, talk to me! Please say something!
-Oh, Charles, your Blue Flamingo! It was on this wall!
That reminded Gary to the baron...who regained his previous angry expression
in order to look at Gary.
-Oh yes! I bet that you hoped to use this little incident to steal it right
in front of me and a honorable lady, you ...you bandit!
Gary stood to catch his breath ,looked defiantly back , looked again
, and then took the newspaper from his pocket, looking for the article that
had sent him to the baron's house. The previous bad news were replaced
by: "The Blue Flamingo, considered to be the best work of Henri de Treville
has been insured yesterday on behalf of the world wide
known violinist baron Charles de Larive. The insurance company says
that it will probably convince the baroness Louise de Larive to insure
her valuable yellow Victorian umbrella, of which there is no more than two
other in the world...."
The End.
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