Have fan fiction to submit? Fill in the form below. When you click "Submit", a new window will open, so that you may confirm your submission data. Please be aware that if you do not confirm your submission, the form data will not be sent. To complete the process, email your submission to ljconstantine@hotmail.com!

Please be aware that this archive accepts completed stories only, and does not archive works in progress. If you are looking to post your works in progress, you may wish to archive your story serially at FanFiction.net, and then submit the completed story, novella, or novel to this archive when you have finished and edited it.

(Only include URL if story is already on-line. If you are submitting your story as a .txt or .html file, leave this blank)
Attach your submission:
(acceptable formats are Microsoft Word, ASCII text or HTML. Please make sure you have properly formatted your fiction for archival.)
Your Email:
Your Name:

Please write a synopsis of 50 words or less, including the story's MPAA-style rating (PG, PG-13, R, etc.), when during the series the story is set (ie. before "The Tech", or "During 'Last Man Standing'", etc.) and what story or stories it is a sequel/prequel to, if applicable.
