Title: Family Author: Shayla (shaylafitz@hfx.eastlink.ca) Rating: G Date Written: 09/06/02 Author's Notes: This is my first story, so I decided to try something short and see how well it is received. A 100-word drabble describing a small, yet momentous family moment – when Tom gets to meet his daughter for the first time. Please read and respond! ~**~**~**~**~**~ Family Tom Paris strolled into Sickbay, and was greeted with a heart-warming sight. There on the biobed sat his wife, exhausted but happy. And cradled in her arms was . . . a miracle. He reached out and reverently stroked the soft, downy hair on his daughters head, marveling at how fragile she seemed. B'Elanna, sensing his thoughts, smiled and held the small bundle out to him. He took it gratefully, gently caressing the ridges on his daughter's face with his forefinger. Then he uttered a simple phrase, but one that made his wife beam. "She's perfect. She's absolutely, positively perfect."