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last updated: 21.04.06
Odyssey 5 began life as a pilot for Showtime, shot in Toronto during the summer of 2000. Peter Weller (Buckaroo Banzai) stars as astronaut Chuck Taggart, commander of an Odyssey shuttle mission in August, 2007 during which the crew witness the destruction of the Earth. The Odyssey crew include Chuck's son and fellow astronaut, Neil (Christopher Gorham), flight officer Angela Perry (Tamara Craig Thomas), geneticist Dr Kurt Mendel (Sebastian Roché), and tv news anchor Sarah Forbes (Leslie Silva).
When the series was picked up, the cast reunited with creator Manny Coto (Star Trek: Enterprise) in the summer of 2001 to pick up where they had left off, and the series aired 14 of its 20 episodes before Showtime cancelled it, citing a desire to move away from sci-fi fare such as Odyssey 5 and Jeremiah. The remaining six episodes have since aired on Showtime in September and October 2005.
In imaginative and extraordinarily well-written, well-acted, and well-produced series, Odyssey 5 continues to gather fans despite its cancellation. Currently a DVD campaign, spearheaded by O5 fans at, is underway, and despite the series being out of production for two years, creator Manny Coto has been quoted in the press as saying he still hopes to revisit this story someday and bring it some closure.
This is a fan site devoted to the series, which will hopefully answer many if not all of your Odyssey 5 needs!
O5 on DVD!
Odyssey 5 is coming to DVD from Sony in 2006
This 5 disc set will include the 2 hour pilot movie and 18 episodes of the series in Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1), along with a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack. The pilot features commentary with creator/ executive producer Manny Coto (24) and star Peter Weller.
Pre-order Region 1 NTSC Odyssey 5 boxset for only $34.99. That's 30% off the suggested manufacturer's price of $49.95!
Or pre-order the Region 2 PAL Odyssey 5 boxset from for only £22.49. That's 25% off the suggested manufacturer's price of £29.99!
The Region 1 box set will ship April 25.
The Region 2 boxset will ship June 26. |
Disclaimer: odyssey 5 and all related elements, characters and indicia © Sony Pictures Television and Showtime Networks Inc., 2002. All Rights Reserved. All odyssey 5 photos © Sony Pictures Television and Showtime Network ©2002 and are reproduced here solely for the purposes of promotion and publicity of this licenced property. This is a fan website in no way affiliated with Roundtable Entertainment, Viacom, UPN or any of the above copyright and trademark holders of odyssey 5