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10.07.02 - In the writer's corner of the site, updated writing cordelia so that the story thus far and just the facts are current up through the end of series three, la la land with the latest on Lorne, Groo and Angel's entries in boyslayer.

18.06.02 - Updated the Cordy/Angel, Cordy/Lindsay, and Cordy/Giles sections of Scribes with new stories.

05.02.02 - Updated the Recommendations with a new Cordy/Angel rec and added the rec to the Cordy/Angel page of the Scribes section.

29.01.02 - Fixed the link to From Bad To Worse in the Cordy/Spike section

14.01.02 - Updated the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes with a new story The Windmills of Your Mind.

03.01.02 - Updated the Cordy/Spike section of Scribes with new QCS affiliate site Enthrall.

02.01.02 - Updated the Recommendations with six brand new recs and added new recs to the appropriate pages of the Scribes section.

18.12.01 - Added four new recs to the appropriate pages of the Scribes section. Added a new Cordy/Willow story, Smart Cookies, to the Cordy Slash section of Scribes.

13.12.01 - Added eight new recs to the appropriate pages of the Scribes section and added a new fan fiction Challenge to the Writer's Corner section of the website. Due to lack of response to the challenges, they will now be issues seasonally, rather than monthly.

11.12.01 - Added all the new recs to the appropriate pages of the Scribes section, and added the fanfic submission form to those pages as well.

10.12.01 - Updated the Recommendations page with a new (working) form, and a slew of brand new recs. Please take a few minutes to add your recs!

30.11.01 - Updated the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes with new QCS affiliate site disharmony.

26.11.01 - Updated the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes with the new url of stranger things, and QCS affiliate site splinter is now defunct and disharmony has interited all that site's content.

06.11.01 - In the writer's corner of the site, updated la la land with the low-down on Lilah and Gavin, and Angel's entry in boyslayer.

01.10.01 - Added a new Cordy link to Linkage, and updated the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes with four stories by Rachel.

19.09.01 - Added a new link to the Cordy/Doyle section of Scribes.

07.09.01 - Added a new link to the Cordy/Xander section of Scribes.

09.08.01 - Added a new fan fiction Challenge to the Writer's Corner section of the website.

30.07.01 - Added two new links to the slash section of Scribes.

10.07.01 - Added a new link to the Cordy/Wesley section of Scribes.

28.06.01 - Added a new fan fiction Challenge to the Writer's Corner section of the website.

25.06.01 - Added two new links to the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes.

29.05.01 - Added a new affiliate to the Slash section of Scribes. Please join me in welcoming the newest QCS Affiliate, Ruby Red Desire!

22.05.01 - Updated the mailing lists with approximately 30 Cordy-themed mailing lists. Sorted some of the fiction that had been misfiled on the General Fiction page into the proper relationship pages. I have added a much more detailed form for voluteering to become a beta reader. Please, even if you are already listed, fill out the form and be as detailed as possible. Thank you!

21.05.01 - I'm in the process of rearchitecturing the site, completing the rennovations begun when I took over the site from Melissa, and checking and replacing the links across the site. If you hit a broken link as you surf through the site, please let us know!

18.05.01 - Added a new affiliate and several links to the Cordy/Doyle section of Scribes. Please join me in welcoming the newest QCS Affiliate, Gaelic Storm! Broke Writing Cordelia section of the Writer's Corner down into more managable chunks for easy loading. Updated the guestbook. Please sign it to let me know you were here! Also added a application form for webmasters interested in becoming a Scribe, and added the link to the forums to the text nav at the bottom of each page in the hopes that we might actually get some discussions started there. Please? Pretty please? With sprinkles?

16.05.01 - Added a new affiliate to the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes.

Since the QCS site has been chosen by the BtVS Writer's Guild as the Cordelia zone, I am currently in the process of updating and expanding the Writer's Corner section of the website, and invite you all to participate!

What's New:
  • All new forums
  • Updated Beta Reader Index
  • All New Beta Reader Resource Links
  • "Writing Cordelia" overview
  • Updated Fan Fiction Challenges
  • What's Coming Soon:
  • New format for beta reader index which will include MUCH more data
  • Essays on fan fiction, and writing
  • Updated Writer's Resource links
  • So jump on in and post in the new forums, read or answer a fanfic challenge, and let me know how this site can expand to fulfil all your Cordy fanfic needs!

    03.05.01 - Added a site map to make navigation even easier. I am pleased tom announce that the Queen C Scribes is now the official Cordelia Zone for the BtVS Writer's Guild.

    It's survey time!

    This summer, I'm hoping to expand and update the Queen C Scribes website, and I need your feedback. If you could please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and email me your answers, it would be very helpful!

    1. Is this your first visit to the site ( since the redesign?
    2. As an author, have the resources at the site helped you write Cordy fiction?
    3. As a reader, have the resources at the site helped you find good Cordy fiction to read?
    4. What additions and changes would you like to see made to the website?
    5. Would you like to see any sections combined, or broken into separate pieces?
    6. Is the navigation on the website simple, and easy to follow?
    7. What links would you like to see added?
    8. If the Cordyfic Awards are revived, would you participate in the nomination and judging process?
    9. Would you like to see weekly or monthly fiction challenges added to the site and this mailing list?
    10. Would you like to see more general Cordy fiction, as opposed to romance fiction?

    23.04.01 - Added a new affiliate to the Cordy/Angel section of Scribes.

    02.04.01 - Added a new affiliate to the Cordy Slash fiction section of Scribes.

    30.03.01 - Added two new links in Cordy and Cordy slash fiction sections of Scribes.

    21.03.01 - We're looking for affiliates and links! So please do check out the scribes section and fill out an application if you have a Cordy/Gunn, Cordy/Doyle, Cordy/Spike or Cordy/Wesley website!

    I'd like to welcome the newest QCS Affiliates and links! Forbidden Fruit has been added as an affiliate to the Cordy/Lindsey scribes page, CordySlash has been added as an affiliate on the Slash Fiction page, and apple pie has been linked to the Cordelia Fiction page. Also, all current affiliates: new buttons are available for linking back to QCS! Email us for new affiliate buttons. The redesign continues, with more pages put into the new template! And I have added a new guestbook.

    06.03.01 - I have completed the first third of the redesign (creating new section and splash pages, and organisign the sections a bit mroe intuitively) and am slowly but surely catching up on the redesign of the interior pages, as well as updating the content with new links, affiliates, honourary affiliates, recommendations, and more. So please hang in there! By summer, we should have a lean mean Queen!

    28.02.01 - You may have noticed things are looking a bit different around here of late... Allow me to introduce myself! My name is LJC and I've taken over the site from Melissa Flores, the original designer and webmaster. I'm going through and updating the pages, redesigning a bit as I go. I'm hoping by the end of March to have the site completely redesigned and updated with all new affiliates, links, fiction, and more.

    archived updates

    index | sitemap | the scribes | interactive | features | information
    linkage | updates | about the scribes | contact us | forums | guestbook