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Feel free to submit your chloe/lex fan fiction!

To submit a shory to chemistry, please fill out the form below in its entirety:

(Only include URL if story is already on-line. If you are submitting your story as a .txt or .html file, leave this blank and a mail link will be provided after you hit SUBMIT below!)
Your Email:
Your Name:

Please write a synopsis of 50 words or less, including the story's MPAA-style rating (PG, PG-13, R, etc.), when during the series the story is set (ie. before "Cool", or "During 'Leech'", etc.) and what story or stories it is a sequel/prequel to, if applicable.

DO NOT include the following in your synopsis:

  • Any kind of "hanky" rating. It's juvenile, and more importantly, it dictates to the reader what emotions they are meant to be feeling while reading the story. If you have written a good story, you should not have to TELL the reader they will cry. Either they will, or they will not.

  • Any kind of "character death" warning. If you do feel it necessary to contain a warning (for example, if it is a R-NC-17 rated story due to rape, incest, gore, or extreme violence that a reader may find disturbing) then put a disclaimer at the top of the story. However, the MPAA rating should be sufficient to warn younger readers away from adult stories.

design © ljc. site launched december 2002