Land of Might Have Been—a Gosford Park Fan Site

November, 1932. Gosford Park is the magnificent country estate to which Sir William McCordle and his wife, Lady Sylvia, gather relations and friends for a shooting party. They have invited an eclectic group including a countess, a World War I hero, the British matinee idol Ivor Novello and an American film producer who makes Charlie Chan movies. As the guests assemble in the gilded drawing rooms above, their personal maids and valets swell the ranks of the house servants in the teeming kitchens and corridors below-stairs.

But all is not as it seems: neither amongst the bejewelled guests lunching and dining at their considerable leisure, nor in the attic bedrooms and stark work stations where the servants labor for the comfort of their employers. Part comedy of manners and part mystery, the film is finally a moving portrait of events that bridge generations, class, sex, tragic personal history and culminate in a murder. (Or is it two murders?)

Ultimately revealing the intricate relations of the above and below-stairs worlds with great clarity, Gosford Park illuminates a society and way of life quickly coming to an end.

Land of Might Have Been is a fan site devoted to Gosford Park. Whether you are a fan of the film, the period, the real-life matinee idol Ivor Novello, or all of the above, we hope to be the ultimate Gosford Park resource.

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Fan fiction updated with Sometimes on The Rarest Nights and A Long Night.


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Disclaimer: Gosford Park and all related elements, characters and indicia © Sandcastle 5 / Chicago Films / USA Films / Capitol Films and the Film Council / Focus Features / Universal 2001. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations—save those created by the authors for use solely on this website—are copyright USA Films / Focus Features / Universal. All Gosford Park images © 2001 and are reproduced here solely for the purposes of promotion and publicity of this licenced property. This is a fan website in no way affiliated with Sandcastle 5, Chicago Films, USA Films, Capitol Films and the Film Council, Focus Features, Universal 2001 or any of the above copyright and trademark holders of Gosford Park.