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Submit your Smallville fan fiction!

To submit a story to One Red Hot Mama, please fill out the form below in its entirety:

(Only include URL if story is already on-line. If you are submitting your story as a .txt or .html file, leave this blank and a mail link will be provided after you hit SUBMIT below!)
Your Email:
Your Name:

Please write a synopsis of 50 words or less, including the story's MPAA-style rating (PG, PG-13, R, etc.), when during the series the story is set (ie. before "Cool", or "During 'Leech'", etc.) and what story or stories it is a sequel/prequel to, if applicable. If you do feel it necessary to contain a warning (for example, if it is a R rated story due to rape, incest, gore, or extreme violence that a reader may find disturbing) then put a disclaimer at the top of the story. However, the MPAA rating should be a sufficient indicator of adult themes and/or content.
