I'd like to first and foremost thank the contributorsHope, Misty, Livia, Slod, Deb, Chiri, Wic, Edie, Shar, Molly and Gemmafor devoting their time and energy and answering my desperate call back in November. Their grace in accepting shifting deadlines, as well as putting up with a pesky editor who has comma and POV issues not to mention an inability to get anything done on time, should be applauded and rewarded with Godiva. In lieu of truffles, please feel free to write letters of comment in the forum, and let these fine folks know how much your enjoyed their work!
I'd also like to thank all my friends who didn't contribute, but held my hand throughoutspecifically jenn, Sully, Yahtzee, and the PSG gang. Moral support plus smut, what more can a girl ask for?
And lastly, I want to say that without Allison Mack and Tom Welling, and their particular brand of chemistry (which after Rush I think we can all safely say would burn the house down) there'd be no Clark and Chloe for us to obsess over, and it's always fun picturing them nekkid. Oh, you know what I mean...
Thanks everybody! Pie for everyone!
Tara LJC O'Shea
March, 2003