Please note that, for fan fiction purposes, no characters from existing Borderland stories may be used without express permission from the authors of those stories. Ms. Windling hereby gives permission for the following characters to be used in noncommerical fan fiction: Farrel Din, Gray, Sammy, Wicker Leaf-and-Tree, Thorn Leaf-and-Tree, Will Hernandez.
Name: Alaska
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Alison Gross
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): The Body Shop
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Amanda Woodsdatter
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Arden
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Art
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Artemis Zavatta
Affiliation(s): The Rag
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Ash Bieucannon
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Baby
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Bad Boy
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Bogans
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Berlin
Ethnicity: Dragon
Affiliation(s): Diggers
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: B-Good
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Big Will Hernandez
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Pack, Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Billy
Ethnicity: Human
Ethnicity: Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Billy Buttons
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods, Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Billy Hu
Affiliation(s): Cho Tong
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Bossman
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Goblin Market
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Bramble
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Brandy Jack
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dogtown
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Buddy
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café
First Appearence: "Exile" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Cam/Chamomile
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café/Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Camilla (Caramel)
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Casey
Affiliation(s): Diggers
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Casey
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Cc/Gloriana
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Café Cubana
First Appearence: "Hot Water: A Bordertown Romance" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Chang Chen
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Charis
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Charis" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Christie
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Chui
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): The Phoenix
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Cleo Tellican
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Cochise
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Rune Lords
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Corwyn Of Aldon House (Long Lankin)
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Oberon House
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Dancer
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Dandi
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Btu's
First Appearence: "Nightwail" By Kara Dalkey
Name: Deedee
Ethnicity: Human
Ethnicity: Hard Edge
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Deki
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Devinish Girls (Polly, Pjin)
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Pack
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Dez
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Exile" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Doc
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Eadric Vole
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Magical Madness
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Elaine
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Oak Hill" By Patricia A. Mckillip
Name: Eli Hurt
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): The Phoenix
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Elsinor
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Reynardine" By Michael Korolenko
Name: Eye
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Farrel Din
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Dancing Ferret
First Appearence: "Introduction" By Teri Windling
Name: Fineagh Steel
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Frank
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Frodo
Ethnicity: Cat
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Fukumori
Ethnicity: Kitsune
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Gamen
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Pack
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Geraint
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Goldy
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Gray
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Eldritch Steel
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Hand
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Hassan
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Hector
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café/Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Exile" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Hooter
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Hugh Schwartz
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Children Of Paradise
First Appearence: "Hot Water: A Bordertown Romance" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Jack Orion
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Lost And Found
First Appearence: "Reynardine" By Michael Korolenko
Name: Jackie Taylor
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Jackie Won
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Janey
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Btu's
First Appearence: "Nightwail" By Kara Dalkey
Name: Jenny Jingle
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Jill Gregory
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Lost And Found
First Appearence: "Arcadia" By Michael Korolenko
Name: Joe Doh-Dee-Oh
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dogtown
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: John Thomas
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): New Blood Review
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Johnny Jack
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Jose Gutierrez
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Kai/Valerian
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Keno
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Koga/Shoki The Demon Queller
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Krak
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Rune Lords
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Lari
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): New Blood Review
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Larry
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Btu's
First Appearence: "Nightwail" By Kara Dalkey
Name: Laura
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dancing Ferret
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Leda
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Nevernever" By Will Shetterly
Name: Liam O'malley
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): The Magic Lantern
First Appearence: "Reynardine" By Michael Korolenko
Name: Linden Yorl
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Linn
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Suits
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Linnea Dark Garnett (Linny)
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Liza
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café
First Appearence: "Exile" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Liza Malone
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dancing Ferret
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Locas
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Lolly Dove
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): The Hot Spot
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Loris
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Louisa
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Lubin
Ethnicity: Ferret
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Machs Nix
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Maggie Woodsdatter
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Eldritch Steel
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Map
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Maris
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Oak Hill" By Patricia A. Mckillip
Name: Marsh
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Btu's
First Appearence: "Nightwail" By Kara Dalkey
Name: Martha Hurt
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Sisters Of Mercy Hospital
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Martinez
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Bogans
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Mary (Maid Marion)
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Mat Bear
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Mei
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Merriweather
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Mr Yin
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Mrs Liverpool
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Bordertown Preparatory Academy
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Nabbers
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Onisu
Ethnicity: Dragon
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Orient
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Oss
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Patrick Hale
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Pazzo
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Dogtown
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Peach
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café
First Appearence: "Exile" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Perdita
Ethnicity: Halfie
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Pet
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Pickwick
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): The Magic Lantern
First Appearence: "Reynardine" By Michael Korolenko
Name: Ping
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): The Phoenix
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Queen B
Ethnicity: Halfie
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Ralston
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Bordertown Preparatory Academy
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Raven
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): New Blood Review, Eldritch Steel
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Ray
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Letterville
First Appearence: "Rag" By Caroline Stevermer
Name: Riff-Raff
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Pack
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Robbin
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Robbin Pearl
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Mock Avenue School
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Sai
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Sammy Tucker
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Pack
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Sandy
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Sara
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): The Hot Spot
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Science
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Screaming Lord Neville
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Café Cubana
First Appearence: "Hot Water: A Bordertown Romance" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Scullion
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Charis" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Selkie/Seal
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Shakeesha Tellican
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Sian
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Sissy
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Mockery" By Ellen Kushner & Bellamy Bach
Name: Sister Voline
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Sisters Of Mercy Hospital
First Appearence: "Dragon Child" By Midori Snyder
Name: Socks/ Nightengale
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Socks" By Delia Sherman
Name: Sprite
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): New Blood Review
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Stick
Ethnicity: Dragon
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Strider
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Sunny Rico
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Suits
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Sweetie
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Taash
Ethnicity: Halfie
Affiliation(s): Hard Luck Café/ Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Talley
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Changeling Theatre
First Appearence: "Changeling" By Elisabeth Kushner
Name: Tangie Tellican
Ethnicity: Halfie
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Tanuki
Ethnicity: Badger/ Trickster
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: Teaser
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Teddy Grim
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint
Name: Terrible Tim
Affiliation(s): Dragontown
First Appearence: "Demon" By Midori Snyder
Name: The Doctor
Ethnicity: Halfie
First Appearence: "Nevernever" By Will Shetterly
Name: Thread
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Thumper
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Hot Water: A Bordertown Romance" By Ellen Kushner
Name: Tick-Tick
Ethnicity: Trueblood
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Tina
Ethnicity: Human/ Khandroma
Affiliation(s): Khandromas
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Toby Hood
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Horn Dance
First Appearence: "Stick" By Charles De Lint
Name: Trasher
Ethnicity: Human
Affiliation(s): Bogans
First Appearence: "Alison Gross" By Mydori Snyder
Name: Trey
Ethnicity: Human
First Appearence: "Half Life" By Donnard Sturgis
Name: Valda
Affiliation(s): Danceland
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Wicker Leaf-And-Tree
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Eldritch Steel
First Appearence: "Gray" By Bellamy Bach
Name: Wolfboy (Lobo)
Ethnicity: Human/Wolf
First Appearence: "Danceland" By Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
Name: Ysa Cran
Ethnicity: Trueblood
Affiliation(s): Bloods
First Appearence: "Berlin" By Charles De Lint