
General Blankenship's office: 20:30

The General was reading one of Steve Trevor's dashing accounts of infiltrating a particularly difficult Nazi Tupperware ring when the noise began. It wasn't your average "office" type noise, and he bolted from his chair and headed for the door.

The noise, mechanical, unpleasantly loud and getting louder, was coming from Yeoman Prince's office.

Yeoman Prince was at her desk when the wheezing, groaning sound began. She looked up in surprise as a flashing light established itself about ten feet off the ground, rhythmically flashing in time to the mechanised crescendo that filled the small ante-office. A blue Police Box (at least, that's what it said on the sides) faded into view, slowly actualising itself in front of the door to the office with amazing precision. It grew more solid, before finally settling into reality with a "clump" of halting machinery. It sat there for a second, defying explanation. Then one of the doors to the box swung inward, and a young man peered out.

"Yeoman Prince? Diana Prince?" said the figure. Diana looked the stranger up and down. A man, early thirties, with a cravat, wing collar, a paisley waistcoat and a gorgeously made green velvet frock coat, light grey trousers. Wild hair. Very blue, sincere eyes, and a smile that could melt an iceberg.

"Yes, that's me," she stated, rising from her desk and walking round to stand before the young man.

A broad grin from the stranger. "Ah, good! I have something of yours! One moment!" at which, he vanished back inside the Police Box, the door to which swung to gently. Five seconds later he re-emerged, carrying a neatly folded, and what smelled like freshly laundered uniform.

"I don't quite know how your uniform got into the TARDIS, but my last self never bothered to return it. I, however, am much more..." he trailed off, thinking of a suitable phrase. "Me..." he finished with a smile.

"Thank you," started Diana, remembering the mysterious space in the alley where she had transformed into Wonder Woman. "It's nice of you to return it."

"That's alright," said the man. He looked around conspiratorially, glancing at the walls.

"Just don't tell Grace; she calls it "showing off"."

With that, the man in the green frock coat reopened the door of the box, and vanished inside once more. The door hummed shut, and the lamp on the stacked roof of the Police Box started to flash, and a slightly different trumpeting began. The sound got louder for a second or two, and then faded slowly away, and the box shimmered and gently became translucent before finally disappearing completely.

Diana looked at the clock. Eight thirty in the evening. Well, at least no-one would be around. The door to the office flew open, and General Blankenship burst in, making Diana jump.

"Are you alright Yeoman? What was that strange sound? And why couldn't I get into your office?" he blustered, face red, eyes bulging.

"What sound General?" Diana replied innocently "Everything's completely normal in here..."

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