What is fan fiction?
"Fan Fiction" is fiction based on a television series (or film, novel, rpg, etc.), written by fans. Fanficby and largeis not scripts but prose. While some have chosen to write their fanfic in teleplay form, those are few and far between. Pieces range in length from vignettes (1000 words) to short stories to full blown novels (50,000+ words). Fan fiction has existed in print since the turn of the century pulp magazines, but fanfic as we have come to know it today began in the late 1960s and early 1970s Star Trek fandom. Fanfic was collected in APAs (Amateur Publishing Associations) and circulated through the post, and more commonly in "fanzines"not-for-profit anthologies of short stories, poems, novellas, and novels usually accompanied by fan artwork, published by fans and sold at cost through the post and at conventions like MediaWest, an annual 'zine con in the Midwest. Many professional authors (Jean Lorrah, A.C. Crispin, Peter David, and Susan Garrett, to name a few) had their start in fanzines.
Since the web hit big in the early 1990s, fanfic has spread through the on-line media fan community like wildfire, even moving from tradition genre subjects (SF, Fantasy, Horror, Espionage, Police Dramas) to rather unconventional ones (Sitcoms, Medical Dramas, Soap Operas). Many fanfic writes on the Internet, AOL and other forums have never seen a fanzine, and their first introduction to fanfic were the on-line Usenet newsgroups and archives of fanfic written by print fandom media fans writing on-linewhich inspired them to write their own.
Why doesn't the archive accept NC-17 or X-Rated fanfic?
In a nutshell, it is because the archivist wishes to present the character as close to her television incarnation as possible, and does not wish to preserve or encourage sexually explicit Wonder Woman fan fiction which reduces the character to a mere fetish object. The archivist reserves the right to refuse to archive a work of fiction which contains bondage, sado-machochism, nonconsensual sex, sexual promiscuity, beastiality, "damsel in distress" fetish material, or any graphic depictions of sex.
The archivist is perfectly aware that there are other forums for this type of material out there; this web site is not one of them.