
The following are notes made of series canon that could prove useful to other writers. This is particularly useful in helping to separate 'canon' (the facts noted in the series itself) from 'fanon' (fan explanations, false-memories, or assumptions acted upon as if they were series canon). For example, it is canon that Wonder Woman appeared in Washington D.C. in 1942. It is fanon that she assumed the identity of a real Army Nurse named Diana Prince who married a man named Dan White. Because the TV series never actually stated Diana's origin, it is a fan assumption that the TV series continuity matches the Golden Age comic books. There is nothing binding a fan author except the series itself. And even those facts can at times be open to interpretation.

However, the facts below were gathered by the webmistress to serve as a source of details to add to your stories to tie them into the television series continuity, and add richness and a level of detail to the stories, as well as to prevent continuity errors. The reference is noted where possible. This section is a work in progress, and as the ABC series and CBS series do not always jibe, notes will be included when canon contradicts itself.


  • Marcia, Steve's secretary in the War Department, had known him for five years (Pilot) [NOTE: in an exchange cut from the script, Steve tells Gen. Blankenship that Marcia had been his secretary since 1937]

  • In 1942, no man had set foot on Paradise Island in 1000 years (Pilot)

  • Steve Trevor received his war hero status for landing a burning plane and saving his crew (Wonder Woman In Hollywood) [NOTE: It is not clear if this event took place prior to working in General Blankenship's office, or concurrently. Also, in a line changed from the script, he received a Medal of Honour for this act]

  • Diana is the Queen's "only begotten child" (Pilot), however Drusilla is referred to as Diana's sister and the Queen's daughter and is present (thanks to retroactive continuity in the form of a "new" flashback to the Pilot) when Diana receives her Wonder Woman costume from their mother the Queen (The Feminum Mystique)

  • Wonder Woman brought Steve to the Armed Services Hospital (Pilot)

  • The War Department offices where Steve and General Blankenship work are in a big marble building on D Street (Pilot)

  • In her guise as a Navy Nurse, Diana held the rank of Lieutenant (Pilot)

  • No mention is ever made of Steve Trevor Sr.'s family (i.e. parents, siblings, or wife)

  • Steve lives in Officer's Quarters (Fausta, The Nazi Wonder Woman)

  • Diana Prince's apartment number is 308 (The Feminum Mystique)

  • General Blankenship's office is extension 0277

  • Paradise Island is located at 30-22 N (longitude), 64-47 W (latitude) (The Feminum Mystique, The Bermuda Triangle Crisis)

  • Diana Prince's rent in 1945 was $40 a month, including utilities (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • Steve Trevor has a J-shaped burn scar on his right shoulder (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • Steve Trevor used a 20 mil shell casing as a paperweight (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • In 1942, Paradise Island celebrated the 2000 year anniversary of the Amazons' arrival on the island

  • Sometime prior to his death, President Roosevelt honoured Wonder Woman with a medal, and a photo of Wonder Woman with FDR ran in the newspaper (Return of Wonder Woman, The Man Who Could Move The World, The Bermuda Triangle Crisis)

  • Wonder Woman disappeared in 1945 (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • Steve Trevor reached the rank of Major General prior to his death sometime before May, 1977 (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • Diana Prince's rent in 1977 was $500 a month, including utilities (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • In May, 1977, Diana was 2526 years old (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • The calendar in Steve's office read May 14th, 1977 Diana's first day at the IADC office in Washington, D.C. (Return of Wonder Woman)

  • The profile Diana inputs into IRAC includes the following false information: Operative Diana Prince is 25 years old (i.e. born in either 1951 or 1952), worked in the IADC oversees division from 1974 through 1977, graduated from the University of California, Berkley campus (records damaged), above facts confirmed by interview. Current Grade: GS16


  1. The New, Original Wonder Woman (Summer, 1942)
  2. Wonder Woman Meets Baroness Von Gunther (1942)
  3. Fausta, The Nazi Wonder Woman (1942)
  4. Beauty on Parade (May, 1942)
  5. The Feminum Mystique (June, 1942)
  6. Formula 407 (August 1942)
  7. Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua (May - September 1942)
  8. The Pluto File (September, 1942)
  9. Last of the $2 Bills (September - October, 1942)
  10. Judgement from Outer Space (2 weeks of September, 1942)
  11. The Bushwackers (1942)
  12. Wonder Woman in Hollywood (No date)

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Disclaimer: Wonder Woman and all related elements, characters and indicia are trademarks of DC Comics. © 2001. © 1975 through 1977 DC Comics Inc./Warner Bros. Television. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations—save those created by the authors for use solely on this website—are copyright DC Comics © 2001. All Wonder Woman photos Copyright Warner Bros. Television ©1975-1979 and are reproduced here solely for the purposes of promotion and publicity of this licensed property. This is a fan website in no way affiliated with DC Comics, ABC, CBS, Warner Bros. Television or any of the above copyright and trademark holders of Wonder Woman.