Mind Stealers From Outer Space Synopsis: coming soon! Curiouser, and Curiouser... Applause-worthy: Cringe-worthy: Despite being written and directed by the same team that wrote and directed Judgement from Outer Space, Mind Stealers is, unfortunately, a complete nightmare in terms of continuity. Andros tells the Planetary Council that he and his father have worked with Wonder Woman before, thus implying that Tim O'Connor's Andros was Dack Rambo's Andros' father. However, when Andros is leaving Earth at the end of part 2, he and Diana talk about the fact that the last time they said good-bye was 1943, thus impling that Dack Ramdo's Andros is Tim O'Connor's Andros. This is a continuity error between both part 1 of Mind Stealers and Judgement From Out Space which was set in September 1942, not 1943. Volunteer to write the synopsis of this episode!
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