
Brett arrived at the IADC half an hour earlier than usual so that he could meet with Dale. Having a dental appointment yesterday, Brett had taken off early and had misses Dale's call at his desk asking to see him. They had finally gotten up with each other late last night by phone and had arranged to talk this morning. Dale's manner had been blatantly urgent and Brett wondered if something new had surfaced since they last parted company.

Brett couldn't place his finger on the exact moment he had decided that he was going to warn Diana of what was going on. Was it when, wracked with guilt, he had replaced her file without looking at its contents? Or had it been sometime this morning around two, as he lay wide-awake in bed, unable to sleep? He didn't know.

All he did know though, was that he could not allow Diana to walk into all of this unawares. He owed her that much.

The meeting had been arranged to take place in Dale's office and Brett was surprised to discover he was not there. He checked his watched with the clock hanging on the wall and frowned.

My watch is right, he thought to himself.

He decided he would go check his messages and come back. As he was turning the corner he heard a loud banging and then mumbled swearing coming from the little room that was used as a snack area. It had a couple of tables and chairs and a soda and candy machine.

The person making all the noise turned out to be Dale.

"Dale, what are you trying to do? Beat the poor machine to death?"

"Can you believe it? This is the third time this week this damn machine has taken my money..." he blasted at Brett as he continued to pound the vending machine.

Brett forcefully took Dale by the arm as lowered him into one of the small folding chairs. Reaching into his pocket, he found thirty-five cents and deposited it into the slot. Turning to his boss inquiringly, he asked:

"Tab, like usual?"

Somewhat embarrassed by his little tirade, Dale simply shook his head to the affirmative and swore again under his breath upon hearing the thud made by the can falling into the bin.

Dale accepted the drink gratefully and shook his head slowly.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. All this stuff going on has got my nerves on edge. Look at me... I was beating up a vending machine, for crying out loud!"

Brett didn't find it hard to sympathize. He honestly knew exactly how Dale felt.

"Why don't we go back to your office?" he suggested.

When they both were seated in the privacy of Dale's office, Brett asked him about the results of the phone call he had made.

"There isn't too much to tell, really..." Dale began. "My friend, who just retired as director of oversees, has never heard of her but said that didn't mean anything. He agreed to help out by asking around and said he would get back to me within a week."

"And until then?"

Dale stood up and took another swallow of his Tab. "Until then we keep this to ourselves and I have to figure out a way to make sure Diana stays away from the office. I don't want things to get personal, you know?"

Brett nodded.

"She called yesterday to tell me that she was back, but that she needed some more time to sort some things out... some personal matters. I assured her that was fine but I don't think that I did a very good job of acting as if nothing was wrong. In fact, I know she suspected something was up. Therefore my anxiety over making sure she stays away. Things could get messy... especially when she finds her security clearance has been temporarily suspended."

"What?" Brett cried incredulously.

Defensively, Dale countered: "What was I supposed to do? This is a serious matter, Brett. One that cannot be taken lightly. I had to..."

Dale sat on the edge of his desk and watched as Brett digested his latest revelation.

"Okay, okay, if we are talking about it being in the best interests of the IADC... I agree. But Dale, this is Diana we're talking about. I mean, my god, she's excellent at what she does. She's the best agent the IADC's got!"

"I know and she has never in any way abused her position or acted even mildly suspicious... well, other than her strange way of disappearing at the most awkward moments. But even then, she always has a good explanation for it."

"Well, what do you need me to do? I mean, I‘m not sure what I could do." Brett offered and then added lightly: "Where's Wonder Woman when you need her?"

Brett felt like a heel asking to be of help to his boss when he fully intended to speak to Diana about all this the first chance he got. He looked up to find Dale staring at him strangely.

"What did you just say?"

Bewildered by his question and change in manner, Brett mentally went over what he had just said and then repeated out loud to Dale his offer of assistance.

Dale impatiently shook his head.

"No, the other part... about Wonder Woman."

"Um...I asked, 'where is Wonder Woman when you need her'. Why? Are you alright? You have the strangest look on your face."

Brett watched as Dale's face continued to drain of its color.

"It, it's nothing..."

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