
The Princess did not sleep well that night. In between drifting off into uneasy slumber that didn't last, she just stared into the darkness at the high ceiling of her rooms. She tried imagining the way her life would be at this moment, had she not escorted Steve Trevor back to the United States the first time and had fallen prey to the fascination she had felt for the outside world.

She had traversed extensively the island here but had always remained curious about what lay beyond the waters. It wasn't until she reached adulthood according to immortal standards that she was even told there existed anything. The Queen stories always frightened the other girls but Diana listened with rapt attention as her mother told of the strange breed called man. And although her history books described them in detail and the destruction they brought, there were never pictures. Diana had never laid eyes on one until Steve.

Was it when she first saw his face or maybe when he had opened his eyes to look into hers that she first realized that what she had been taught all her life was not totally the truth? She didn't know, but it had made her wonder about other things. Like the day she overheard her mother and Ona talking and laughing about strange things she had never heard of before; snippets and phrases like 'passion that made even the heart of an immortal melt' and of someone in particular possessing 'more physical beauty than even the gods'. Diana had never heard her mother speak in such a way and the contradiction confused her. Thinking about it now, Diana was sure that somewhere in her past she had loved and been loved by a man, but it was something she dared not mention.

Darkness eventually gave way to light and through one of the opened windows, there drifted in the smells and sounds of morning.

Diana felt weary of all the pondering she had done. Slowly she began stirring, trying to find the will to face the day and whatever it might bring.

Impetus came in the form of a knock at her door, followed by the entrance of Drusilla. Surprised by this visit, Diana sat up in her bed, not sure how to greet her sister.

Dru was wearing a long, lilac dressing coat, the kind they always wore on cool mornings such as this one. Diana was taken aback by how much she looked like their mother. She had never seen it before, but Dru possessed her same quiet dignity and serene beauty. The same had been said about her, too, but somehow with Dru it was different. Maybe in her case it was because they shared more physical characteristics in common.

Drusilla sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes on the floor.

"Diana, I would like you to understand something. I know that you have taken my behavior the last few days to mean that I am upset or mad at you. But you know me, Diana... you know that I have defended you to mother forever it seems. I'm not mad. It's just that, well... maybe I'm a little jealous." She raised her eyes to see Diana's reaction to her admission.

Incredulously, Diana asked, "What?"

"You forget that I have also experienced what the outside world is like. I have been sheltered just like you were, with a special set of rules and code of behavior because of being the Queen's daughter. I'm jealous because you have the choice of whether to go back or stay. I don't and especially now. Mother has set her sights on my taking your place as heir. And I will do it because she's my mother and my queen, but Diana..." The look in her eyes was one of desperation, like a poor animal caught in a trap with the advance knowledge that it would never get out.

"I know it's selfish, but my first feeling on catching sight of you was not one of joy, but... relief. I thought maybe after all this time, you had changed your mind and were coming back to take your rightful place. But I know what you must be going through also. Life here is secure and never changing and I know it sounds crazy, but the outside world that I saw was almost mesmerizing. With its diversity and its culture so different from ours. Diana, the way they dress, the way they talk and the things they eat. Ice cream!"

Diana laughed at the memory of Dru's first encounter with ice cream and remembered her own reactions to things when she tried them for the first time. It was exactly like she said... mesmerizing!

"I just don't know what to do or what to make of the way that I'm feeling, Diana." Dru fell back across the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"You know, I sat awake all last night doing what you are now. Just staring at the ceiling with thousands of questions going through my head like a... like a locomotive."

"A loco-what?"

Again Diana laughed. "I'll explain it later. It's one of the things you missed on your two visits to the States! You see, Drusilla, I'm just as confused and torn as you are. But mine are many-fold because I'm torn basically between two worlds that have both been my home and obligations to both. I am in no way making light of what you are experiencing, but there are so many things involved in making my decision to stay or go back. Things you cannot imagine for the reasons you mentioned earlier. But I know that somehow we will both get through this. I promise you that!"

Diana pulled her sister to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "I'm happy though that at least you understand."

And suddenly Drusilla became the young girl she remembered. With widened eyes, she exclaimed, "Oh, Diana... that's what I was sent in here to tell you! Mother wants to see you right away!" And she jumped up and ran to the door. Looking over her shoulder, she stopped and smiled.

"I'm glad that you understand, too!"

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