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T for Tutu
Author:  earlydues
Posted:  August, 1999
Rating:  TV-Y or G or whatever else signifies that it is suitable for all audiences.
Summary: A response to the Fanfic List Challenge:  There is truth in the _Real Life Adventures_ comic that notes, "Overtime is tough. Undertime is tougher."

Take a Number
Author:  Annie M.
This hilarious vignette provides the uninitiated with a glimpse into the life of your average - or maybe not-so-average - fan fic author. 

Taking It Easy
Author:  Lori Anderson
Posted:  September, 2001
Summary:  Gary and his family spend some quailty time at home together just realxing and taking it easy.

A Tale of Two Cats
Author:  D. L. Witherspoon
Summary:   EE/The Sentinel crossover; Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg are in Chicago, but it's never easy when cats collide!

The Talk
Author:  Lori Anderson
Posted:  May, 2002
Spoilers:  The Fourth Carpathian

Technicolour Living
Author:  Becky Thompson
Posted:  August, 2001
Summary:  A poem in response to a list challenge

Temporary Hero
Author: David Simms
Posted:  February, 2001
Rating:  PG (I suppose - not sure)
Spoilers: None
Summary: Gary's too sick to take care of the paper so Chuck comes to the rescue

Author:  Jayne Leitch
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  Just One of those Things
Summary:  During the episode where Gary tells Erica about the Paper, I believe that this should have been a pivotal sequence.  <G>  A word of warning:  this is a typical example of my twisted, freakish sense of humour; it may be mildly offensive to anyone who liked Erica.  Just keep in mind: it's fanfic, and therefore meant in fun.

Terror on Floor 13
Author:  Lori Anderson
Posted:  February, 2002
Spoilers:  The Wall
Summary:  This short story deals with how Marley got Gary handcuffed to the post.

That's Why It's Right
Author:  Ally McKnight
Posted:  February, 2001
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  None
Summary:  A short [very short] peek into the mind of the 'fireman who sets the fires so he can be the hero.'

Things Forgotten
Author:  Ally McKnight
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  Fate
Summary:  What if Gary had given a different answer to Lucius Snow?

Three Sisters
Author:  Jayne Leitch
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  Halloween
Summary:  A missing scene for the season three episode "Halloween"

Through the Smoke
Author:  Maryilee
Spoilers:  Season one
Summary:  Gary's out saving the world, but Chuck is more concerned about saving his friend.

Thrust and Parry
Author:  CatandMouse
Rating:  NC-17--This story is NOT for children
Spoilers:  The Iceman Taketh

Time After Time
Author:  Darby Ross
Posted:  April, 2003
Spoilers:  Time
Summary:  A legacy has to begin somewhere.

Author:  Janet
Posted:  February, 2001
Spoilers:  The Wall
Summary:  A sequel to Vindicated .

To Bare One's Soul
Author:  E. Soral
Posted:  December, 2002
Rating:  PG
Summary:  As much as we'd like to think everyone in this world is well-intentioned and law abiding, there are some people who have a selfish, evil mind-those who rationalize that what's good for them is okay and all right to use whatever means they can to achieve.  These people create mysteries for the rest of us.

Installment 2                         Installment 3

To Have and To Hold
Author:  inkling
Posted:  May, 1998
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  Don't Walk Away, Renee
Summary:  Gary rescues a mystery woman and finds out she's not the only one caught between the future and the past. Second season.

Installment 2

Toni Gets Her Man
Author:  Lori Anderson
Posted:  February, 2002
Summary:   This fanfic is about how Gary and Toni met and dated before they get married and have the twins.

Too Stubborn for My Own Good
Author:  Janet
Posted:  July, 2001

The Trail of the Hospital Stalker
Author: Lori Anderson
Posted:  August, 2001
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Crossover with ER

The Train, the Dark, and Other Things
Author:  Ms. Panther
Posted:  April, 2003
Spoilers:  Fatal Edition
Summary:  Brigatti's perspective

Train to Galena
Author:  Rakefet
Posted:  November, 2000
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  Blowing Up Is Hard to Do
Summary:  A short post-episode vignette.

True Love
Author:  Priscila M.
Posted:  June, 2003
Rating:  PG-13

A True Man's Story
Author:  Luvya Phoenix
Posted:  August, 2003
Rating:  PG
Spoliers:  Luck of the Irish
Summary:  A crossover of EE and The Truman Show, a little confusing, so don't say I didn't warn ya! :)

Author:  Gill, Jr.
Posted:  August, 2001
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  through Ocassionally Amber
Summary:  One late night, the issue of the Paper comes up, and Gary must decide how to tell Brigatti.

The Twist of the Tale
Author:  Sevenstars
Rating:   G
Spoilers: March in Time
Summary: Gary reviews the events of the Foster march and their implications.

Two Men and a Babe
Author:  Darby Ross
Posted:  February, 2002
Summary:  A silly little story about Chuck, Gary, and a pig.

Two Mothers
Author:  Rakefet
Posted: November, 1999
Summary: This story is a sort of prelude to the second season episode, "Don't Walk Away Renee." If you have not seen the episode, there are no major spoilers here.


The Ultimate GM Fic
Author:  Becky Thomson
Posted:  October, 2001
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  none

Una Palabra
Author:  Writer JC
Summary:   Once again Gary rescues a damsel in distress, but who are the guys in the monkey suits and what is this Una Palabra they want so very badly - bad enough to kill both the woman Gary's rescued and maybe even Gary himself!

Uncovering Armstrong
Author:  Paper Caper
Posted:  April, 2001
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Time", "Fatal Edition"
Summary:  Here's an idea of what really happened when (or if, we never find out if he really did) Gary told Armstrong about the paper.

Uncovering the Past
Author:  Ally McKnight
Posted:  January, 2001
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  None
Summary:  It's thirteen years in the future and Gary Matthew Hobson Jr. is trying to find out all he can about the father he never knew. From Gary Jr's P.O.V.

Unearthly Invitation
Author:  Candace Waters
Posted:  December, 2002
Spoiler:  possibly Halloween

The Unsuspecting Understudy
Author:  Stephanie Souders
Posted: October, 2000
Rating: G
Summary:  Newbie challenge response


The Value of Little Things
Author:  Stephanie Souders
Posted:  December, 2000
Rating:  G
Summary:  Because nobody saw fit to give Gary a happy Christmas, I have provided one for him.

A Very Gary Christmas
Author:  Candi
Posted:  December, 2000
Summary:  A holiday poem

Author:  Janet
Posted:  January, 2001
Spoilers:  The Pilot, The Wall
Summary:  Another behind the scenes story.  This one from The Wall.  An attempt at answering unanswered questions.


The Wake
Author:  Jayne Leitch
Posted:  1999
Summary:  *****ANGST ALERT*****ANGST ALERT*****ANGST ALERT*****
That says it all, really.  If you're looking for Cheery, read Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett.  There ain't no cheerfulness in here.

Author:  Sevenstars
Posted:  May, 2004

Rating:  PG
Spoilers: Frostbite
Summary: A Missing Scene from "Frostbite." 

Watch for Falling Tables
Author:  Katerina
Posted:  February, 2004
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  Piolot, Redfellas
Summary: The title pretty much sums it up. This is my answer to the newbie challenge.

Author:  inkling
Posted:  August, 1998
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  up through the end of Season 2
Summary:  Chuck's gone to California, and Gary's managing the paper and McGinty's just fine without him. Or, is he?

Installment 2

What If
Author:  Sevenstars
Posted:  May, 2004
Rating:  G
Spoilers: Time
Summary:  This is Gary musing on some of the assorted weirdnesses associated with getting the Paper.

What Nobody Said
Author:  Sevenstars
Posted:  May, 2004
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  The Wall
Summary:  A speculation on what happened between the death of Marley and the tag scene of the episode.

What You See Isn't What You Get

Author:  Courtney Felix
Posted:  December, 2000
Rating: PG

Who I Say I Am
Author:  Paper Caper
Posted:  April, 2001
Summary: Gary runs into another recipient of the paper- but this guy seems a little suspicious...

Who Was That Guy?
Author:  Measer
Posted: June 2001
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary:  Gary saves a skateboarder.

Whose Save Is It, Anyway?
Author:  Sonneta
Posted:  January, 2001
Rating:  PG-ish
Spoilers: I'm considering everything in both shows fair game. This  takes place in what would be EE's 5th season.
Summary:  crossover: "Whose Line is it, Anyway?" (American version)

Why Me
Author:  Lori Anderson
Posted:  May, 2002
Spoilers:  Fate

Wishes from the Heart
Author: Shana
Posted:  April, 2001
Summary:  Sequel to "The Reason My Heart Beats" .  Gary's struggles raising a daughter alone and dealing with the paper.

With Regrets
Author:  Darby Ross
Posted:  November, 2001
Summary:  A scene from a life, with regrets

Worry Night
Author:  peregrin anna
Posted:  May, 2002
Summary:  "If you tell the story, he can come home safe."

Worth It
Author:  Ally McKnight
Posted:  March, 2001
Spoilers:  A Regular Joe
Summary:  This fic is based on "A Regular Joe." It explains from Chuck's POV, why Gary played 'a little less in college.' It might be a little sad.

Author:  Sevenstars
Posted:  May, 2004
Spoilers:  Pilot


Yesterday's Paper

Author:  Vonilyn
Summary:  EE/The Pretender crossover; Gary rescues a stranger named Jarod who might just lead a more bizarre life than Gary himself does.

Your Boots
Author: Becky Thomson
Rating: G (I think)
Spoilers: Fate


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