1. Please limit your signature files to 2 lines. If your sig is longer than your message, then it's a PROBLEM.
2. Whenever possible, do NOT post one-line messages, particularly of the "me too" variety.
3. Please keep all posts on-topic for the particular forum you are in. For example, fan fiction goes in the fanfic forum, spoilers in the spoiler forum, etc. And remember, this is a Chloe Sullivan and Allison Mack board. Please keep all posts as on-topic as possible!
4. Show the proper respect for your fellow fans. There will be no flaming, no character bashing, and no fanfic bashing based on personal preferance. Either you discuss your POV intelligently, like an adult, showing respect for other's opinions, or you don't. post. here. period.
5. Please do NOT post multiple times to the same thread in a row, but try and combine your responses.
6. Follow the avatar guidelines (no files over 25k, no personal icons over 10k please!)
I'm not always able to read every thread on this forum. But I do my best. And when I see violations of the posting guidelines, I will ask the poster in question to either play nice, or go home. And I will ban folks if I have to.
To add an avatar to your Message Board profile, go to the board and make sure you are logged in. Click on My Control Center. In your control center, click the edit profile button, then cut and paste the URL of the photo (right click or shift+click on a Mac, and copy the IMG location) below you wish to use into the Personal Photo URL input box, and make sure you save the changes to your profile! If you are adding an avatar of your own making please make sure that the image dimensions are 60 pixels high by 60 pixels wide, and the file size is a maximum of 25k.
Please do not use avatars under your user preferances. These images slow down the loading of the main forum pages, as the personal icons display next to your user name in the thread lists. To disable your personal icon, go to the board and make sure you are logged in. Click on My Control Center. In your control center, click the edit preferances button, then un-check the checkbox beneath the Personal Icon URL input box, and make sure you save the changes to your preferances! Thank you kindly!

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