
girl friday fanfic challenge #3:
What was Chloe's first day at the Daily Planet on her summer internship like?
Was she gung ho? Was she still distracted by the events of Vortex? Did she meet Perry White?
All I ask is that all challenge responses:
- be at least 1000 words, and it can be as long as you like (no limit!)
- be rated no higher than R for sex/violence/language/themes
- be submitted here to the site so we can read it :) (you can also post it to any other lists or archives you like!)
previous challenges...
girl friday fanfic challenge #1:
How did Chloe first meet Clark and Pete?
You can tell it in flashback, or set the story during junior highany way you
can think of, really, to work in the backstory of Smallville's Three
Answers to this challenge...
Fifth Grade
by Jennifus
How the Three Musketeers met in fifth grade.
Rated G
(print this story)
No Such Thing
by Sullivan Lane
Clark reminisces about meeting Chloe for the first time and decides to finally ask her to the Spring Formal.
Rated G
(print this story)
girl friday fanfic challenge #2:
What happened to Chloe's mom?
Are her folks divorced? Did her mom die, or leave her and Gabe? Is Chloe close to her mother, or are they estranged?
All I ask is that all challenge responses:
- be at least 1000 words, and it can be as long as you like (no limit!)
- be rated no higher than R for sex/violence/language/themes
- be submitted here to the site so we can read it :) (you can also post it to any other lists or archives you like!)
Answers to this challenge...
Happy Birthday Baby
by wordlover
Chloe contemplates her mother as a career opportunity presents iteslf.
Rated PG
(print this story)
To submit a challenge to girl friday, please fill out the form below in its entirety: