today's date:
Updated the breaking news with new info on the bi-monthly Smallville comics from DC.
Added Vetitas Vincit to fanfic.
Added Something Blue to fanfic.
Updated the breaking news with link to a new Allison Mack interview at Zap2it, and the Smallville charity auction.
Tina shares her fan encounter, meeting Allison Mack and her Smallville co-stars at the Ultimate Breaking Challenge, held at Templeton Secondary School November 23rd.
Updated the breaking news with info on Allison Mack on Open Mike, and novelist Cherie Bennett's thoughts on writing Chloe, from the Kryptonsite exclusive interview.
Updated the gallery with a new season two Smallville publicity still. Updated the breaking news with info on Allison Mack's preferred charity.
Added By Chloe Sullivan to fanfic.
Updated the breaking news with info on Allison Mack on extra.
Added Perpetual Slumber Party to fanfic.
Added new fan artwork.
Updated the breaking news with info on the Smallville bi-monthly comic.
Updated the season two screen captures with images from Duplicity, Red, Nocturne, Redux, Lineage and Ryan.
Added Gabe Sullivan Versus Waffles by Molly to fanfic.
Added new fan artwork.Updated the breaking news with info on the Smallville soundtrack. Updated the episode guide with the logline for Skinwalker.
Updated the breaking news with info on the release of the Smallville first season trading card set.
Revamped the design a bit, so now you will randomly get one of two different pictures of our Miss Sullivan! Updated the gallery. Added Fairy Tale Endings and Dilate by Molly to fanfic.
Added Risk, Brink Pink, Fruity Pebbles and The Pick Up by käthe to fanfic.
Added new fan artwork.
Added new fan artwork.
Updated the breaking news with info on Allison in the December 2002 issue of Seventeen.
Added EV's When Tables Turn and The One I Really Want to fan fiction.
Added new fan artwork, and added a new fanfic challenge.
Added Silver and Gold to fan fiction.
Updated the breaking news with info on Chloe's Wall of Weird.
Updated the gallery.
Updated the episode guide with the TV Guide logline for Nocturne.
Updated the breaking news with info on the Smallville season one trading cards. Added new fan artwork.
Added Sully's wonderful Chloe, Platonic and Sunday Cookies to fan fiction.
Updated the gallery.
Updated the season one and season two screen captures with images from Obscura, Tempest, Vortex and Heat. Added Spring Cleaning to fan fiction.
Updated the episode guide with the TV Guide logline for Red. Updated the fan art with new manips by Brian and Livia.
Updated the store with a link to The Smallville High School store, which is a great place to find nifty Smallville swag that makes you feel like you're right in the middle of the show. Thanks to the Smallville Torch, spiffed up the site with a new look, just in time for a new season! Added More to fan fiction. Updated the episode guide with the logline for Duplicity. Updated the gallery.
Updated the episode guide with the logline for Heat, and the gallery with new fan artwork.
One more new piece of fan artwork.
Updated the gallery with all new fan artwork!
Updated the breaking news with info on the Smallville season premiere, and the Smallville 64 page comic. Updated the store with ordering info on The Nightmare Room: Camp Nowhere and the Smallville 2003 calendar.
Added Molly's lovely Bleeding Silhouette to fanfic. Updated the breaking news with info on Allison on the TV Guide Channel. Modified the Episode Guide in preparation for season two.
Added Raincheck to fan fiction.
Updated the breaking news with info on Allison's Nightmare Room on DVD and VHS.
Updated the store with new items. Updated the breaking news with info on Allison at Seventeen.com, and a quicktime clip of the Smallville cast at the Teen Choice Awards.
Added Some Kind of Energy to fan fiction.
Added Sky Blue to fan fiction.
Updated the breaking news with info on new candid photos of Allison at the WB's summer press party, and the 2002 Teen Choice Awards.
Added Happy Birthday Baby to fan fiction.
Updated the breaking news with the outcome of the Chloe Action Figure Petition.
Added Linda's charming and poinant The Martinelli Affair to fan fiction.
Added Requiem to fan fiction.
Added (at long last) Kat Picson's fan encounter.
Updated the homepage with information on Allison at the Teen Choice awards, and the final tally from the charity auction!
Updated the homepage with information on Allison in Ellegirl.
At long last, our new twin site, allison-mack.com is open! You'll notice that I have moved all of the non-Smallville content from this site to the new site, and mirrored some content. Basically, girl friday will remain your source for all things Chloe Sullivan, while allison-mack.com will hopefully meet all your Allison fan needs, whether you're a fan of her work on Smallville, Opposite Sex, My Horrible Year! or her numerous other projects! So check it out!
Happy Birthday Allison Mack! Check out the birthday section for how you can wish Allison many happy returns of the day. Updated the homepage with info on the first annual girl friday charity auction!
Added Candaygirl's adorable Girl Talk to fan fiction.
Updated the homepage with screencaps and audio from the KTLA Morning Show.
Revamped the navigation a bit, so that there are now easy-to-find links to both the birthday section, and the action figure petition! Updated the homepage and news with a link to the SciFi Wire interview with Allison that ran yesterday.
I am incredibly pleased to announce that girl friday is now an affiliate of KryptonSite. Added Valentine's lovely Something Like Peace to fan fiction.
Updated the birthday page with information on Make-a-Wish Foundation, Allison's preferred charity! Special thanks go out to Craig of KryotonSite and teh always fab Sullivan Lane for getting this info for us!
Added Miss Windy's faboo Jar to fan fiction.
Updated the homepage with some birthday news!
Updated the homepage with info on the WB's Chloe vs Lana face-off.
Sign the petition and let DC Direct know that we want a Chloe action figure! Added Mental Freak Out and Breaking Point to fan fiction.
Don't forget, Allison Mack's 7th Heaven episode is airing in syndication tonight July 3rd. Check local listings for time and channel in your area!
Updated the homepage with info on Allison's upcoming birthday. Added a brand new affiliate, more than a sidekick.
Added Raindrops and When It Changed to fan fiction.
Tweaked the homepage a touch, and updated breaking news with info on Star!TV's behind the scens of Smallville special, and A Mother's Revenge.
Added Tresca's adorable Brown Baggin' to fan fiction. Updated the breaking news with info on Allison's 7th Heaven episode, and X-Pose #69. Added two new members to the clique and updated the links.
Added Lint's haunting Doll Parts to fanfic.
Updated the gallery with three new candids.
Added the Forum Posting Guidelines as well as 30 new custom avatars for use in the forums! Added Empress Vader's Suddenly It Didn't Matter to fanfic.
Added Sully's fabulous No Such Thing to fanfic and added a new fan fiction challenge. Updated the homepage with info on the Amy Awards! Updated the gallery with z's caps from Crush.
Re-organised the gallery so that it's now broken into smaller, faster loading pages, and added screen captures from my horrible year! and part 1 of the nightmare room. Updated the news with the latest tidbits, and a transcript of Blonde Ambition from TV Zone #152.
Due to the slowness and frequent downtime of the current forums, I have added all new forums. So dive on in! Updated the homepage with info on My Horrible Year! and I am pleased to announce this website has been nominated in the Golden Smallville Awards.
Updated the homepage with info on TV Zone magazine's new interview with Allison, and the online Teen Choice Awards.
Updated the clique with new members, and added two new affiliates, intrepid and take no prisoners.
Added two new affiliates. Added a store with links to purchase the Smallville novels and DVD.
Added a new affiliate. Updated the homepage with info on Seventeen magazine's Teen Choice Awards. Added En Ami to fan fiction.
Added Musings and Breathe to fan fiction.
Updated the clique with a new member. Added another member of the cult of chloe.
Updated the homepage and news with info on the US release of the Smallville DVD.
Updated the clique with a new member, and added a new affiliate.
Added three new candids to the gallery.
Added zahra's Coming Second to fan fiction. Added production stills from Tempest to the gallery. Warning: spoiler-y as all get out! Do not load if you do not want to be spoiled!
Updated the clique with a new member, the cult of chloe with a whole bunch of new members, and fan fiction challenges with out first challenge answer story, Fifth Grade.
Updated the episode guide with synopsis and credits for Tempest from TV Guide.
Added Allison's Art of Being to articles. Updated the gallery with four publicity stills from Allison's previous series, Opposite Sex and screen captures from Reaper and Drone, and put a function back where it belonged so that when you click on the screencaps, they actually, you know... load and stuff.
Updated the gallery with new production stills and candid photo of Allison.
Updated the episode guide with synopsis and credits for Obscura from the WB. Added a new affiliate.
Added a fan fiction challenges section.
Thanks to monkeying around with my new dazzle, added a new Clark/Chloe wallpaper.
Added two new cult of chloe member graphics. So if you have not already pledged your allegience to the flippy-haired wonder girl, feel free to do so now! If you are already a member, you can grab the code here.
Updated the gallery with all new candid photos of Allison from 2000 and 2001 and screen captures from Stray. Updated the episode guide with synopsis and credits for Crush from the WB. Added a new affiliate.
got snark?
Added a new section, fan encounters and our very first fan encounter! So be sure and check it out! Added Maddie's insightful Of Security Bubbles and Raspberry Cappuccino to fan fiction.
Added paperkbyter's lovely The Boat to fan fiction.
Added two new affiliates, and updated the breaking news with info on the behind-the-scenes Smallville special airing next week in Canada.
Updated the epguide with cast, credits, and synopsis of Reaper from the WB.
Updated the gallery with four new publicity stills, and screen captures from X-Ray and Nicodemus.
Added Maveness Delight's hysterical I Blame The Coffee to fan fiction.
Added Lint's lovely Glorious Possibility to fan fiction.
Added Hospital Coffee to fan fiction.
Updated the gallery with two new publicity stills, and screen captures from Metamorphosis, Kinetic and Zero. Updated the epguide with cast credits, and synopsis of Stray from the WB.
Updated the links with all sorts of new sites. Tweaked the font size on the fan fiction so that's the stories are a bit more readable... And added some new wallpaper.
Added The Sixth Hour my first foray into Smallville fan fiction. Also, by clicking on the little print icon on each story, you can print that story rather than reading it online.
Updated breaking news with a link to Cult Times #79, which features an interview with Allison.
Added the transcript of the Channel 4 Smallville special to the news. Added Becky's Let Me In to fan fiction.
Added Shannen's fabtabulous A Good Reporter, Getting You To Smile, Evidence and We're Not All Bad to fan fiction and yet more new members of the cult of chloe.
Added new wallpaper, and new members of the cult of chloe.
Added a new affiliate, and two new production stills from Kinetic to the gallery.
Added wallpaper.
Added zahra's wickedly perfect Scar Tissue, and kathe's ultra-fab Tangent and Tangent II: Electric Bugaloo, and Sullivan Lane's latest instalment in the Chloe Chronicles, The Search, to fan fiction.
Added One Sunday Night to fan fiction, and updated the cult of chloe and links.
Added some fan artwork, and publicity and production stills from My Horrible Year! and The Nightmare Room to the gallery. Forms are back up at last! Huzzah! So feel free to submit your fan fiction, add your Chloe website to the clique, or better yet, join the cult of chloe!
The forms across the site are currently down, but should be back up soon.
Updated the cult of chloe with two new members, and revamped the layout of that page a touch. Added new publicity and production stills to the gallery.
Thanks to marathon AIM sessions over the week-end, now you too can become a member of the cult of chloe. Added Perri's faboo Chloe story, Reasons Unknown to fanfic.
Updated the smallville episode guide with synopsis of Nicodemus. Updated the main page with info on Allison's upcoming appearances on the R.L. Stine spooky kids series, The Nightmare Room.
Added a new section, writer's resources to the links. Added Elizabeth's brief but telling Chloe vignette Unpretty to the fan fiction section. The forum is now up! Updated news with Allison's About Face from the Wb.com
Updated the gallery with screen captures courtesy of the WB's Smallville site. Updated the smallville episode guide with synopsis of Zero (contains spoilers!). Updated the links. And the clique has it's first member!
Added a smallville episode guide (contains spoilers!). Added kathe's vastly entertaining Chloe/Lex story Would You Like Some Java With That Snark? to the fan fiction section, and moved the fan fiction submission form to its own page. Added the news section, with archived interviews with Allison about Smallville. Also, reshuffled the navigation frame a touch, to make room for all the new features.
Where to begin? For one thing, girl friday is now part of efanguide's happy family of celebrity fan sites. Yay! Look for an Ultimate Bulletin Board forum to be added soon, thanks to this nifty and peachy keen new alliance. Did a major update of the links over the week-end, as well as some little tweaks here and there of the graphic and existing content, and for all of you who tried and failed last week, the gallery now functions once again. Still looking for Chloe sites to join the clique, so please do consider joining if you have Chloe website? Still looking for fan fiction as well, and I'm happy to report that I'm halfway through a story which I hope to post this week! And don't forget the mailing list which has been wery wery quiet thus far, and could use some rollicking discussion.
Added character bios from the press kit to the chloe section. Big thanks to the Superman Homepage for the bios! Added Superman links to the links section. We have our second affiliate! Thank you to Fire & Ice. Added two more banners and buttons to the link to us section, and a guestbook.
We have our first affiliate! Thank you to Smallville News.com. Added some background on Chloe's relationships with Lana and Pete to the Chloe Sullivan section, and added a mailing list. Did a major updated to the links as well.
Still writing content...