Star Trek Voyager: Lower Decks

archivist's challenge

Archivist's Eighth Challenge: What happenes to the Maquis upon Voyager returning to the Alpha Quadrant?

    1. Story can take place at any time during or after the series finale, "Endgame"
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

There are no deadlines for these stories. Stories are added to each of the previous challenges as people write them. So take your time with it, and have fun!

Please read the submission guidelines first, and clearly mark in the Subject Line "Challenge" so that I know it is in answer to the current challenge.

Okay, now go write...

Current Challenge

Title Author Description

Previous Challenges

Archivist's First Challenge: What is life aboard Voyager like for the former Equinox crew?

    1. Story can take place at any time during or after the episode "Equinox, pt. 2."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)
    4. Think of it as being the new kid in school, when the last school was blown up by the students, and the students ate the principal.

Title Author Description
Moving Forwards Beth Newell Archivist Challenge story. Set after "Barge of the Dead." Marla Gilmore is trying to find her place on Voyager, when the past threatens her future. Rated PG,
The Steep and Thorny Way LJC Archivist's Challenge story. Set after "Equinox, II." Noah Lessing reflects on his first few weeks aboard Voyager. Rated PG.

Archivist's Second Challenge: Was Sam Wildman able to contact her husband Greskrendtrek using the Hirogen array, and if so, did she receive a reply?

    1. Story can take place at any time after the episode "Ship in a Bottle."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)
    4. Keep in mind that while Naomi seems to understand and accept her mother's desire to return to the Alpha Quadrant, she rarely if ever mentions her father.

Title Author Description
Emotional Resonance Neetz Sequel to "Making Memories." Another view of the episode "Hunters." Ever wonder about that letter Janeway reads at the beginning? Rated PG-13
The Assignment Christine M. Westing Archivist's Challenge story. Set in the sixth season. Naomi Wildman interviews members of the crew about an event that occurred two years prior.

Archivist's Third Challenge: How is Naomi Wildman dealing with sharing Voyager with the Borg children?

    1. Story can take place at any time after the episode "Collective."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

Title Author Description
Jealousy Jamie E. Archivist's Challenge. Set in the 6th season of Voyager. Can Naomi handle not being the only child on Voyager? Rated G
Firsts Christine M. Westing Archivist's Challenge story. Set in the sixth season of Voyager, shortly after the Borg children arrive on the ship. Naomi Wildman and Mezoti share several experiences together for the first time, including their first fight. Rated G.

Archivist's Forth Challenge: What happened to Celes, Telfer, and Harren after the events of Good Shepherd?

    1. Story can take place at any time after the episode "Good Shepherd."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

Title Author Description
Angel Stories Mark Childs Archivist's challenge. Set at the start of the seventh season. Sequel to 'Ashes to Ashes' and 'The Good Shepherd'. Lyndsay Ballard (re-born yet again) returns to Voyager and meets Mortimer Harren (still the same as ever). Rated PG.

Archivist's Fifth Challenge: How did the 23 members of the Maquis who were not subjected to Teero's mind control react to the Maquis mutiny in Repression?

    1. Story can take place at any time during or after the episode "Repression."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

Archivist's Sixth Challenge: How were the Lower Decks crewmembers of your choice (Vorik, Celes, Telfer, the Wildmans, etc.) affected by the events of Workforce?

    1. Story can take place at any time during or after the episodes "Workforce I & II."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

Title Author Description
Living with the Lie LA Koehler How does a six-year-old deal with losing herself on Quarra? Not well, it turns out. But maybe someone who's been lost before can be of help... Rated PG

Archivist's Seventh Challenge: How was the crew (as well as his family back home in the Alpha Quadrant) affected by the death of Joe Carey?

    1. Story can take place at any time during or after the episode "Friendship One."
    2. The minimum length is 1000 words (approximately three pages).
    3. Must be rated PG/PG-13—no naughty bits or language! (use your best judgement)

Title Author Description
High Noon, Too Soon LA Koehler Carey's friends find some closure. Chakotay, B'Elanna, and Michael Ayala clean out Joe's room after his memorial service. Rated PG-13

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