Disclaimer: Yeah, you know the drill. Paramount owns all the names, places, faces, etc. Yadda yadda yadda.
The Characters:
Lt. Carey
Lt. Nicoletti
Ens. Samantha Wildman
Meghan Delaney
Jenny Delaney
Chell: I’m bored.
Carey: You’re always bored.
Chell: I’m not always bored.
Sue: Chell, you’re always bored, and you know it.
Chell: Fine, so I’m bored. Is there anything wrong with that?
Sam: Only if you have five bottles of 2335 Burgandy sitting in front of you.
Jenny: (grinning) Oh, you’re good…
Sam: Yeah, I know. I’ve had these in storage since Naomi was born. Tonight, she’s with Neelix and I’m on my own.
Sue: You traded your little baby for five bottles of Burgandy?
Sam: She’s not a baby anymore. She turned five last month.
Meghan: I know, I was there. She’s such a big thing, isn’t she?
Sam: (smiling) Yeah, she is. She’s great. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have her here with me.
Carey: I miss my kids.
Sam: You’ll see them soon. Didn’t you get a transmission last month?
Carey: Yeah, but it’s not the same…(sighs)
Jenny: Well, at least you have kids. I’ll probably be single forever.
Sam: Aw, Harry still not giving in?
Meghan: (laughing) Not at the speed Harry’s running in the opposite direction!
Jenny: Well, rumor has it that he has the hots for you.
Meghan: The gossip concerning the romantic interest of Harry Kim have been greatly exaggerated.
Jenny: Uh huh…
Meghan: Hey!
Sue: Ok, break it up. Let’s crack open one of these before we get desperate. (Joe opens a bottle and pours six glasses and passes them around.)
Carey: Mmmmm, Sam, you’ve been holding out on us.
Sam: Shhhh, don’t say anything to anyone else. We’ll have a mutiny on our hands.
Chell: Ah, like we almost had with the Bajoran mind meld person whoever he was.
Carey: Oh, don’t remind me. I’ve never seen so much hysteria in my life.
Jenny: I’m sure we could come up with some more exciting moments from our past that greatly surpass the Maquis being taken over by a Bajoran.
Chell: Like?
Jenny: One doesn’t need to go far to go straight to the Borg.
Sam: (shudders) Don’t remind me. That is one part of our history that continues to plague me.
Sue: You mean with Naomi?
Sam: With Naomi, with Neelix, with the Captain, with Seven herself. I am so sick of it.
Carey: I’ve never had much interaction with Seven. I mean, we’ve worked together a couple of times on missions and things like that. But normally it’s Lt. Torres who works with her.
Jenny: Well, take it from Stellar Cartography, you’re lucky.
Meghan: The woman can be a royal pain in the you-know-what most of the time.
Sam: Sometimes I wonder if the Captain made a good decision when she brought her on board.
Carey: You think the Captain was wrong?
Sam: Possibly. I mean, sure, Seven’s done a lot of good on board, but…yeah, I don’t know. (shrugs)
Jenny: No, I think I know what you mean. Captain Janeway’s not perfect, you know.
Sam: I feel bad talking about her like that, though.
Sue: (laughs) You think you’re the first person who has ever questioned what the Captain’s done?
Sam: Of course not.
Sue: Don’t worry about it, nothing leaves this room.
Chell: Right, nothing leaves the room.
Carey: Nothing.
Jenny: Not nothing, not nobody.
Meghan: Zip, nada, ex-nay on the alking-tay.
Sam: Huh?
Meghan: (laughing) Nevermind…
(Second bottle is opened…)
Chell: I wanna go home…
Carey: Me too.
Sam: Anyone here get a letter in the last transmission?
Jenny: I did.
Sue: From who?
Meghan: Our mom.
Sue: What was it about?
Meghan: Our dad died.
Sue: Oh…I’m so sorry.
Jenny: Me too.
Meghan: He was old, though. Very old.
Jenny: I wanna go home.
Chell: Anyone know how much longer until we get home?
Carey: 28 years and eleven months.
Chell: Wow.
Carey: Yeah.
Sue: I suppose that’s an improvement from 75 years, though. I mean, I thought I was going to die when I heard that.
Sam: I wonder how Earth is going to be in 28 years. We’ve missed so much already. It hardly seems right for us to just come back to Earth and the Federation after everything we’ve been through.
Jenny: After what we’ve been through, you should say.
Sue: You think they’ll make the Maquis go to jail?
Sam: What in the world would possess you to think that?
Sue: They’re criminals, you know.
Chell: But damn resourceful criminals.
Sue: I didn’t mean to insult you…
Chell: I know.
Carey: I don’t think they’ll go to jail. (pauses) Nah, life in the Delta Quadrant’s been punishment enough. They won’t go to jail.
Chell: I certainly hope not.
(Third bottle is open)
Sam: So does anybody know what Lt. Paris and Lt. Torres are going to name their baby?
Carey: I work with the woman everyday and I haven’t heard a thing.
Jenny: Harry hasn’t mentioned anything to me, so I don’t know.
Meghan: Me either.
Chell: I think they’re naming it something human. But I don’t really know.
Sue: I think a human name would be a good thing. I heard Neelix was offering Talaxian names or something bizarre like that.
Sam: Naomi is so excited about the baby coming. She keeps asking me everyday to ask Lt. Torres when the baby is coming.
Jenny: I can’t imagine having a baby on a starship. I don’t know how you do it, Sam.
Sam: Oh it’s easy when you have friends as great as you guys.
Meghan: Awwwwwww shucks. (grins)
Chell: I wonder if any other kids will be born on Voyager. We’ve still got about thirty years to go until we reach Earth. It’d be interesting to see what kind of generation we create on this ship.
Jenny: Can you imagine having little rugrats running around the ship? Gettin’ into warp cores and shield matrices and other stuff.
Sue: Oh gee, I don’t think you can get more cynical than that.
Jenny: I’m not being cynical, I’m being….
Sam: Annoying?
Jenny: Hey! (gasps) That was not nice. True, but definitely not nice.
(Fourth bottle is opened)
Chell: Is it me or is the room starting to spin a bit?
Carey: Can’t hold your liquor, Chell?
Chell: Oh, no, I’ll be fine.
Sam: You sure?
(Chell nods his head)
Jenny: Well, I’m certainly enjoying myself. Haven’t had this much fun in months.
Meghan: Yeah, we really should do this more often.
Carey: I’m not sure how much longer we should be doing this. I’ve got work tomorrow morning starting at 0800 hours. My head is gonna kill me and I just know I’m gonna defuse a plasma coil or something.
Meghan: I’ll tell the Doctor to expect another broken nose. (breaks into giggles)
Carey: Oh, very funny, Meg. That’s terrific. Go and throw salt on the wound.
Sam: My God, that was like, what, seven years ago?
Meghan: Hey, I’m sure there have been times B’Elanna’s wanted to pop you one again.
Carey: Not at sixth months pregnant she won’t.
Jenny: Nah, she’d probably get Tom to beat you up.
Sue: Or Commander Chakotay. I’ve heard he’s got a pretty mean left hook.
Jenny: Exactly. Commander Chakotay. He studied boxing, you know.
Carey: Yeah, rumor has it he stuck B’Elanna on the ship so he could go watch the Tsunkatse game last year.
Sue: That game was weird. I never really understood the game very well. Just looked like punching, nothing special about that. But then Seven shows up and everything changed.
Jenny: I know. We’ve had some pretty incredible adventures. The Kazon, the Borg, the Hirogen. I’m gonna miss this place.
Chell: You’re kidding right?
Jenny: No. I’m serious. So much stuff has happened here. I mean, ok, what is one adventure we’ve been on that you honestly can say you’ll never forget?
Sam: All of them, honestly. Ok, if I had to narrow them down…let’s see. Probably when Naomi was born. When the ship was split into two parts and my Naomi died and our Harry died. But then the other Naomi and Harry came. Changed my life. Changed the way I looked at life and how things worked in the universe.
Carey: When Hogan died. Being on that God-forsaken planet in the middle of nowhere, dumped by the Kazons. Then having one of my friends die. It was horrible. Sometimes I still don’t believe it happened.
Sam: He was a good friend to all of us.
Sue: Our first real encounter with the Borg. When we were working with Seven, as Borg, and we had all those other Borg on board. It was the first time I had really seen one, up close and in person. Scared me to death.
Jenny: Yeah, that was definitely scary. But now, when we see Borg, it’s almost like, no big deal. We’ll defeat them. We’ve done it before.
Meghan: Captain Proton! Oh, those were fun. I can’t believe Tom ended them. I was so mad. But, we can’t exactly do The Adventures of Captain Proton without Captain Proton. But I suppose all good things must come to an end.
Chell: That horrible Bajoran who tried to make all the Maquis turn against the Captain and Voyager. I can’t believe that happened. It was so strange. It was like we went back and time and were re-living the good ole days.
Jenny: Do you miss being a Maquis?
Chell: Well, yes, in some ways I do. Out on our own, defending what we believed in. But now I believe in Voyagers mission and we’re still out on our own, so I guess not much has changed.
Jenny: Ok, my turn. I think the adventure I’ll remember the most is…is…the first one. The Caretaker and the first time we met the Kazon. I remember I was denial about the whole thing. I didn’t believe we were really 70,000 lightyears away. I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t. And now that we’re 30,000 lightyears away, I still can’t believe it. We’re going home.
(fifth bottle is opened)
Carey: Last one.
Sam: Already? Wow. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess.
Jenny: Yeah, wow. What time is it?
Chell: Oh, it’s only 0100 hours.
Meghan: 0100 hours! I have to be at work in seven hours.
Carey: Me too.
Sue: Me three. We should finish this bottle up and then all head to bed.
Carey: Oh, yes, and then we look forward the monstrous hangover tomorrow, er, today, actually.
Sam: Maybe the Doctor can give us something.
Sue: I hope. Otherwise I’m not going to be functional.
Meghan: This really has been fun though.
Sue: But nothing leaves this room.
Chell: Right, nothing leaves the room.
Carey: Nothing
Jenny: Not nothing, not nobody.
Meghan:Zip, nada, ex-nay on the alking-tay.
Sam: What is that?!?
Meghan: (laughing) Ask Naomi.
The End